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Design of Analog Integrated Circuits Operational Amplifier Outline 1. General Considerations 2. One-stage Op Amps 3. Two-stage Op Amps 4. Gain Boosting 5. Common-Mode Feedback 6. Input Range Limitations 7. Slew Rate 8. Power Supply Rejection 9. Noise in Op Amps 1. General Considerations “运算放大器(运放)” High-gain differential amplifier 1.1 Performance Parameters 2. One-stage Op Amps Basic Topologies Telescopic cascode op amp (套筒式共源共栅运放) folded cascode op amp (折叠共源共栅运放) folded cascode op amp (cont.) folded cascode op amp (cont.) folded cascode op amp (cont.) 3. Two-stage Op Amps Circuits Structure 4. Gain Boosting Gm,Rout High Gain Differential Cascode High Gain Differential Cascode (cont.) 5. Common-Mode Feedback Mismatch leads to “common-mode” errors Common level is hard to establish in a full differential pair with current source as load Mismatch leads to current errors, that will affect transistors’ work (force them out of saturation region) CM level cannot be stabilized by means of differential feedback. Sensing the output CM level Sensing the output CM level (cont.) CM Level Control CM Level Control (cont.) CM Level Control (cont.) 控制共模电平(续) 6. Input Range Limitations To achieve large differential input swings To achieve large differential input swings (cont.) 7. Slew Rate Review:under small signal, RC network, step input 7. Slew Rate Slew Rate(转换速率, 压摆率): With large input steps, the output displays a linear ramp having a constant slope. We say the op amp experiences slewing and call the slope of the ramp the “slew rate”. With large input signals, op amp operates at switch mode For sinusoid V0sinω0t 8. Power Supply Rejection Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) is defined as the gain from the input to the output divided by the gain from the supply to the output. 9. Noise in Op Amps Noise in a telescopic op amp Noise in a folded-cascode op amp The folded-cascode suffers from greater noise than the telescopic counterpart. The noise contribution of th


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