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九年级秋季同步 第二讲 《文艺篇》: 1. be of 害怕 2. the end 最终 the end of 在……的尽头 the end of 到……末为止 3. no 不再 4. not 不再 5. to one’s 令某人惊讶 6. though 即使 7. a of 一双、一对 Have a try! 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. The girl used (be) shy. But she (change) a lot in the past few years and she is pretty outgoing. 2. His father has been for nearly one month. He has to continue his school by doing a part-time job after his father’s (die). 3. Children are the of the parents. Parents are always of them.(pride) 4. Finally, he made a (decide) not (waste) time surfing on internet. 5. Nothing can him. He isn’t of touching snakes.(terrify) 看点一. “兴趣”是最好的老师 归纳:be interested in: interesting: interest: He takes an interest in swimming. Tom lost interest in swimming when he was young. I have no interest in playing the piano. 1. Uncle Huang is a very ____________ person. He always tells ___________ stories. (interest) 2. Why are you so ____________ in learning the piano?(interest) 3. His father took a great interest in learning English. = His father _________ very ________ ________ learning English. 看点二. worry 归纳:be worried about worry: v. 1. His father is ill; he __________ (担心) about his father. 2. She looks a little __________(焦虑)。 3. 不要担心我,我能够照顾好自己。 _______________________________________________________. 看点三. spend: 人做主语 cost: 物做主语 take: It 做主语 pay: 人做主语,pay for; 归纳: 1. I 50 yuan to buy that T-shirt. 2. He yuan for that T-shirt. 3. It me 50 yuan to buy that T-shirt. 4. That T-shirt me 50 yuan. 看点四. hardly 归纳:hardly ever 1. 我们几乎没有时间吃早饭。 We ________________________________________


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