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一 某制衣厂CFO发现零售商不能及时回款,担心由于经济形势不好,零售商不能销售货物,进一步影响付款,就要求财务部员工对报表进行分析。然后有如下小问。 第一大题 1. Identify and explain the common-size financial report. 2. There are 2 ways for the common-size financial report. Please list and explain. vertical analysis:the percentages are based on numbers above or below in the same column 2)Horizontal analysis:amounts for several periods are stated in percentage of a base-year amount 3. List 3 ways to change the credit items which will help AR and sales.(放宽信用政策如何影响Account Receivables Sales,列举三种并说明之。 4. List 3 ways for accelerate AR collection.(Three ways to speed up cash collection) lockbox wire transfer depository transfer check 5. List 3 fiannacial ratios to current liabilities.(列举3个liquidity ratios并解释 6. List 3 limitations for Financial ratios.(limitation of the financial statement) 讲义 balance sheet a.Only reflect the position of a single point in time,significant changes may occur around the point time b.It uses the historical cost c.No record of some contingent liabilities income statement No coverage on other comprehensive income statement of retain earnings Investor ignorance cash flow a.Hard time in classifying three activities b.Less usage of direct method 二 举了8个cases分别列了intial investment value, NPV, PI; Limited budget is 62000其中project D和投资期限一个是2年一个是年。而且D和都是针对同一payroll的项目。其他项目比D和晚投资一年。 1. What is capital rationing?? It refers to when a firm has limited amount of money for investment,what projects should the company invest to maximize shareholder wealth 2. Does the cases use capital rationing?问这个Senario里面是否有Captial rationing? 3. Which projects should be selected? why? 应该是选C, D, F, H, 因为这4个PI最高,investment 总额正好=62Mn 4. What is independent project? What is mutually exclusive project?题目中那些是independent 那些是 mutually exclusive mutually exclusive projects a situation where the occurrence of one event is not influenced by another event. In addition, it is impossible for mutually exclusive events to occur at the same time. i


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