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人力资源部HR Department QHR.102.02培训管理程序Procedure for Control of Training页码Page1 of 6替代ReplaceQHR.102.01起草者Prepared byHR翻译者Translated byHR审核者Reviewed byHR Manager批准者Approved byGM生效日Effective Date2011/5/1适用于Valid forAll 目的Purpose本标准操作规程(SOP)描述了培训计划的制订与实施,以及培训效果的归档、追踪。This SOP describes the procedure for the preparation of the training plan and the implementation of training, as well as the pigeonhole of the training records and the tracing procedure. 范围Scope本SOP适用于公司内所有的培训,包括公司的内部培训、外部培训以及学历进修、实习等。This SOP applies to all kinds of training, including the training inside and outside of the company, as well as the education-improving and exercitation. 责任Responsibility3.1人力资源部负责制定年度培训计划并报总经理批准。It’s the responsibility of the HR department to organize each department to make the annual training plan.3.2人力资源部负责组织培训,保管记录和控制培训预算。It’s the responsibility of HR department to register for training, keep the training file, review the training applying and control the training budget. 定义Definition无None程序Procedure5.1人力资源部制定年度培训计划,报总经理批准。It’s the responsibility of the HR department to organize each department to make the annual training plan and report to the general manager for approval.入厂培训Enter training所有新进入公司的员工、访客、供应商都应进行入厂安全培训。All the employees, visitor and supplier should do the safety training after enter the plant.新员工应参加入职培训和岗位相关知识培训。New employee should attend the enter training and the relevant training of knowledge of stations.5.3内部培训Internal training5.3.1部门经理根据年度培训计划组织各部门员工进行内部培训,由人力资源部组织各部门实施。The managers of each department should organize their staff to do the internal training whenever necessary according to the training plan and actual requirement. Training for the whole company should be organized by the HR department in principle.5.3.2需要外聘讲师时,由人力资源部予以聘请。If outside instructor is needed, the department manager may ask the HR department for assistance to invite the instructor. 5.3.3培训内容如参加人、课程内容、效果评估等信息应记录在“培训记录”中。效果评估可以采用提问、书面测试、实际操作等方式进行。Before starting the training


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