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USC Taiwan New Student News Update - April?11, 2012 (No. 1) * 2012 News Student News Update 正式開始發送7月中之前, 台北辦公室會約每10天左右透過電子郵件提供新生名單及相關新生訊息給大家, 請留意!?Congratulations! 恭喜! 歡迎您的加入! . 首波 [新生名單] 公佈, 開始認識新朋友囉!. 首波 [義工學長姐名單] 公佈 3. 網上回覆確認入學 (Intent to Enroll) 新生要繳交的租屋訊息南加大人聚敬邀新生出席! (a) (b) 4/20 (五) 新竹春日聚會 9. 辦事處提醒您幾件事 ………………………………………………………………………………………………. The most updated list of New Students - Enjoy making new friends! 2. Lists of Volunteer Mentors (alumni and current students) 3. Confirm “Intent to Enroll” online 4. Screening/Immunization Requirements 5. About airport pickup 6. Congratulations to the [Taiwan-USC Scholarship] recipients 7. Housing information 8. Trojan Events. You are all invited! (a) 4/13 - Kaohsiung Spring Gathering (b) 4/20 - Hsinchu Spring Gathering 9. Reminders?from USC Taiwan Office SAVE THE DATE 2012 南加大新生行前說明會 New Student Send-Off [時間]: July 7th (Sat.) 下午. [地點]: 台北市立圖書館 5月起開始報名. 2.?首波 [義工學長姐名單] 公佈分校友及在校生兩名單 Lists of Volunteer Mentors (alumni and current students) Please feel free to contact volunteer mentor for experience sharing and advice anytime soon. Just to remind you: please take some time to look through all the information on USC Taiwan Office “New Students Webpage” before getting in touch with the mentors. Thanks for your cooperation. 歡迎新生們自行聯繫詢問課業, 生活上, 甚至修課與未來就規劃的經驗分享為了更有效的使用資源, 建議大家先看過辦事處提供的新生篇等之後再與學長姐們詢問!? 謝謝大家.註:欄位說明 - Degree 1 for Bachelor, 2 for Master, 3 for Ph.D. 3. 網上回覆確認入學 (Intent to Enroll) Confirm “Intent to Enroll” online If you decide to enroll at USC, please remember to confirm the “intent to enroll” online at below website. 如果您有確定入學 USC, 請記得上網回傳 “intent to enroll”, 依照網站上的指示即可完成此動作. /AdmGradCertification/Default.aspx 4. 新生要繳交的equirements [Required Immunizations and Screenings] USC requires proof of measles (Rubeola) and mumps immunity from all new, incoming students. In addition, USC requires all new, incoming International Students to receive, or provide documentation of, a tube


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