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构词法: (1)前缀il/un+形容词 → → 反义词 equal----unequal legal----illegal willing----unwilling fair----unfair (2)名词+后缀ful → → 形容词 hope----hopeful peace----peaceful youth----youthful meaning----meaningful respect----respectful 构词法: (3)动词+ed → → 形容词 devote----devoted educate----educated shock----shocked frighten----frightened injure----injured disable-----disabled (4)动词+er/or → → 名词(人) found----founder vote----voter attack----attacker educate----educator beg----beggar 构词法: (5)其他 devote----devotion nation----national----nationalism guide---guidance violence----violent willing----willingness educate----education terror----terrorist----terrorism cruelty----cruel generous----generosity curious----curiosity 重点词汇 (1)quality n.品质、质量 of high/low quality 高/低质量的 这个短语通常放在名词后面做后置定语或放在be动词后面做表语 in quality 在质量上 the safety and quality of food 食品安全和质量 (1)What qualities does a great person have? (2)These are leather goods of high quality. (3)The kitchen oil used in that restaurant was poor in quality. (4)The films that Morgan Freeman stars in are of high quality. 重点词汇 (2)active adj.积极的,活跃的 activity n.活动 be active in something/doing something 积极做某事 be active as…作为…积极 after-class activities 课外活动 (1) The Frenchmen are active in fighting against the nuclear weapons. (2) Dong Qing has been very active as an hostess. (3) Nowadays, after-class activities are becoming more and more popular in high schools. 重点词汇 (3)devote vt. 献身于、把…投入到… devoted adj. 忠诚的、挚爱的、奉献的、(to)致力于…的 devote one’s time/money/life to… 把时间/金钱/生命献给… devote oneself to…. 献身于… a devoted son/friend/wife 孝子,忠诚的朋友,奉献的妻子 be devoted to… 致力于…… (1) He devoted much of his spare time to sports. (2) Yuan Longping devotes himself entirely to _______ (develop) new rice. (3) Qian Xuesen was __________ to science all his life. developing


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