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When Flattery Is an Insult 期号:900 April 13, 2011 (Vibe)?? Contents Quotations about Flattery Flattery is from the teeth out. Sincere appreciation is from the heart out.~Dale Carnegie (American author, lecturer) Quotations about Insult The most effective answer to an insult is silence. ~Unknown Have you ever felt “I guess I should be flattered ...but...why do I feel so insulted”? tell us about it. It’s time to put what you’ve learned today into use.* *Lead-in Activities 1Detailed Reading 2After Reading Activities 3 4 If we do not flatter ourselves the flattery from others would not harm us. ~ProverbFlattery is a form of hatred.~Bible An injury is much sooner forgiven than an insult. ~Lord Chesterfield (British statesman) A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult.~Bible Warm-up “Automatically” here means without thinking; via reflex. For another example, Since it is something we were taught to say as a child, it has become a reflex when someone asks ‘How are you? to automatically respond ‘Good, how are you?. So can you translate this sentence into English? ”她太自大了,认为每次都能赢。“ “Assume” here means to take for granted or without proof. ? She was so arrogant that she assumed she would win every time.For another example, “A backhanded compliment” is an insult that is disguised as a compliment.John said that he had never seen me looking better. I think he was paying me a backhanded compliment. Can you translate this sentence into English? ”他以前一副无精打采的样子,可是休过假后他的 精神出奇的好。“ “Do wonders ” means to achieve spectacularly fine results. He looked so tired before, but his holiday has done wonders for him. So how do you say ”整形手术“? A“plastic surgeon” is a “整形医生“; plastic surgery What is the catch/insult here? “That dress is lovely; it does wonders for your figure.” ? You don’t have a nice figure. ? What is the catch/insult here? “You’re smarter than you look.” You don’t look very smart. ? What is the catch/insult here?


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