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Unit 3 After Reading_1.1 After Reading_1.2 Unit 4 After Reading_1.2 After Reading_1.2 Unit 5 After Reading_1.1 After Reading_1.1 Unit 6 After Reading_1.1 After Reading_1.2 After Reading_1.3 Unit 7 After Reading_1.1 After Reading_1.2 Unit 8 After Reading_1.1 After Reading_1.2 After Reading_1.3 * Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. Useful Expressions Talk about the Pictures Writing Practice Optional Classroom Activity Proverbs and Quotations 1. 史无前例的经济增长 economic growth unparalleled in history 2. 为温饱发愁 exist near the breadline 3. 物质上的匮乏 material discomfort 4. 追求更高的收入 in pursuit of higher income 5. 这个时代的人生哲学 philosophy for our age 6. 极端的个人主义 intense individualism 7. 和……一致 in line with 8. 和平均水准相比有所上升 move up relative to the norm 9. 当休闲与工作的天平偏向工作 balance between leisure and work shifted towards work 10. 以自己为参照物 relative to itself 11. 来源于 derive from Listening Comprehension Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 13. 永无止境的竞争 rat race 14. 能力偏低的人 people in the bottom half of the ability range 15. 自己没有获益 at no gain to oneself 16. 事实上 in effect 17. 内在的价值 intrinsic worth 18. 一个空前的个人主义的时代 an age of unprecedented individualism 19. 在自身找到积极的力量 find the positive force in oneself 20. 肤浅的快乐 superficial pleasures 21. 我们的公益观 our concept of the common good 22. 一套清晰的理念 a clear set of ideas Useful Expressions Talk about the Pictures Writing Practice Optional Classroom Activity Proverbs and Quotations Listening Comprehension 12. 得失平衡的游戏 a zero-sum game Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. Evaluation only. Created with Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.5 Client Profile Copyright 2004-2011 Aspose Pty Ltd. 13. 永无止境的竞争 rat race 14. 能力偏低的人 people in the bottom half of the ability range 15. 自己没有获益 at no gain to oneself 16. 事实上 in effect 17.


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