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Module 4 Fine Arts-Western,Chinese and Pop Arts 1.alive adj.有活力的;有生气的;活着的,仍然存在的 ①He is thought to be the greatest man alive. 他被认为是当今最伟大的人。 ②The game came alive in the second half. 比赛在下半场变得有看头了。 ③(2012年高考辽宁卷)So the old thinkers ideas are still alive_and_well.因此,古代思想家的思想仍然适用。 2.observe vt. vi.观察,注意到;遵守(法律、习俗等);庆祝(节日等);评论;评述 ①She observed a man walking on the opposite side of the way. 她注意到有一个人在路的对面行走。 ②Qi Baishi observed the world of nature very carefully,and his paintings are special because of this. 齐白石对自然界观察得很仔细,他的画因此而别具特色。 ③(2012年高考广东卷)However,some people argue that rules may be confusing,having_observed that rules change all the time.然而,有些人争论说一些制度会令人感到困惑,这些人意识到制度一直在发生变化。 3.adopt vt.采纳,采用;收养 ①We are willing to adopt your plan. 我们愿意采纳你的计划。 ②They have decided to adopt her as their own daughter.他们已决定收养她做女儿。 ③The children are finding it hard to adapt_to their new school. 孩子们发现很难适应新学校。 4.stand v.站立;忍受;承担n.看台;摊子;立场 ①I cant stand listening to songs like that. 我受不了那样的音乐。 ②A teacher cant stand being cheated by his students. 老师不能忍受被学生欺骗。 ③(2012年高考广东卷)Their goal is to share a special meal that stands_out from other meals. 他们的目标就是共同消费一次比较出色的晚餐。 5.destroy vt.破坏;毁坏;人道毁灭,杀死 ①The building was completely destroyed by fire. 这栋建筑物被大火彻底焚毁了。 ②The injured horse had to be destroyed. 这匹马受了伤,只好送它回老家了。 ③Anxiety can cause a_destructive_effect. 焦虑会形成一种破坏性影响。 6. get/be tired of厌倦 ①Tom may be tired of watching TV now,for he seldom talks about the TV programs. 汤姆可能厌倦看电视了,因为他很少谈论电视节目。 ②Im studying art at school,and I enjoy it a lot,although I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time. 我在学校学习美术并且非常喜欢,尽管老看图片也感到厌烦。 ③(2012年高考重庆卷)Arent you just tired_of being told what to do with your time?难道被告知如何安排时间你不厌烦吗? 7.put off 推迟;延期 ①Dont put off until tomorrow what can be done today. 今日事,今日毕。 ②Its suggested that the 2022 Qatar World Cup be put off till winter because of hot weather. 有人建议因天气炎热,2022年卡塔尔世界杯推迟到冬季举行。 ③He got the news from Mary that the sports meeting was put_off



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