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以水利技术创新提高水利管理能力的讨论 摘要 新时期的水利管理需要利用先进的水利技术,才能够有效地水利管理能力,本文分析了水利技术应用到水利管理中的作用,并对具有广泛应用前途的RTK技术进行了阐述。 In the new period of water conservancy management need to use the advanced water technology, water conservancy management ability can effectively, this paper analyzes the hydraulic technology is applied to the role of water management, and has wide application prospects of RTK technology are expounded.   关键词 水利技术;水利管理能力;RTK技术 Keywords and water conservancy technology; Water management ability; RTK technology   0 引言 0 the introduction   水利是国民经济和社会发展的基础产业,其主要功能是保障工农业生产和城乡居民用水需求。当今的时代要求水利知识结构上要与时俱进,当前是一个知识“爆炸”的时代,这对水利管理部门的干部和职工都提出了更高的要求。水利部门要做到与时俱进,必须加快我们的知识更新,改进知识结构,强化管理手段,提高管理的技术含量。 Water conservancy is the foundation of the national economic and social development industry, its main function is to safeguard industrial and agricultural production and water demand of urban and rural residents. Todays knowledge structure on water conservancy to keep pace with The Times, requirements of the current explosion is a knowledge era, the water conservancy administrative department of the cadres and workers put forward higher request. Water conservancy sector to keep pace with The Times, must speed up our knowledge update, improve knowledge structure, strengthen management, improve the management of technical content.   1 提高水利管理的技术含量 1 to improve water management technology   随着城市化和工业经济的迅速发展,农业在国民经济和社会发展中的份量似乎越来越小,这种价值取向使得地方政府对农村环境保护没有足够的重视。针对农村污染呈现“面广、点多、污染来源复杂”的特点,水利科技创新可以在改善农村环境方面发挥作用。而对于城市而言,在城市的快速发展过程中,由于部分企业和群众对水资源保护意识淡薄,加上城镇污水管网不完善,再加上生态环境监管不够到位,出现了大量工业废水超标排放和大生活污直排的现象,这就直接导致了部分江河水库水域受到不同程度的污染。 With the rapid development of urbanization and industrial economy, the agriculture in the national economy and social development, seems more and more small, the value orientation makes the local governments emphasis on rural environmental protection was not enough. Against the rural pollution appears side wide, more complex, pollution source, the characteristics of water conservanc


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