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非常漂亮的Excel算量模板 --语言描述、表格、图形一个都不能少 Very nice Excel templates for construction budget --Descriptions、tables and drawings are all indispensable 摘要:工程手工算量计算繁琐,不易统计和修改,因而算量软件陆续出现。然而算量软件操作必须严格按软件要求操作,对软件公司的指导依赖性很强;另外算量软件采用三维建模来实现计算的,较手工算量多出了繁琐的建模工作。 随着我国工程量清单规范的实施,编制自己的企业定额已日趋必要,企业定额的数据主要来源于历史数据的记录和统计分析。Excel具有强大的数据处理能力,本人通过实际经验总结,制作了工程算量模板。本模板在计算工程量及投标报价上具有以下优点:①数据清晰性强,②数据追溯性强,③调价直观性强。 当然模板在算量时智能化及精度无法与三维软件相比,追求清晰性、实用性、高效性的最佳组合。 关键词:Excel应用,Excel-CAD表格互导、工程算量软件,工程量清单规范,企业定额。 Abstract: It is troublesome to calculating by hand, and it’s not convenient to make statistics or modify. As a result, calculating soft wares have appeared one by one. However, we have to follow their instructions in order to use the soft wares, and we depend a lot on the guidance of software companies; besides, when using soft wares to calculate, we have to do a lot of modeling work, which is the core of their calculating system. As the specification for bill of quantities carries out, it becomes necessary to make the enterprise ration, the data of which come from the records and statistics of historical data. Excel has powerful data-dealing ability. After a lot of practice, I make a template for construction budget. It has the following advantages on construction budget and tender offer: ① The data is clear. ② It can easily tell the sources. ③ It is easy to read for adjusting prices. Though the template can not beat the software on intelligence and precision, I am seeking for a perfect combination of clearness、practicability and efficiency. Key: Application of Excel, data-in and data-out between tables of Excel and CAD, software for construction budget, specification for bill of quantities, the enterprise ration. 一、与传统手工算量及软件算量的比较 1、与传统手工算量的比较 传统手工算量的缺点 Excel模板算量的处理方案 烦 汇总统计烦 Excel数据处理,布局清晰 数据提取烦 相关设计参数查询烦 影响工程量的细部节点计算入公式模板,不影响投标报价的节点忽略 难 关联构件扣减难,支座判断难 按主次构件拆分建筑物,支座项目计入次构件 异型构件列式计算难 编辑公式模板,直接调用 变更错误准确调整难 Excel数据处理,布局清晰 核量对量难 2、与算量软件的比较 算量软件优点 算量软件缺点 Excel模板算量 三维建模形象直观 由于三维模型无法用


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