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应变题翻译 2应变翻译 2
当发现客人不懂使用客房的设备时,怎么办?答:(1)向客人表示歉意,并做详细介绍; (2)说话时要注意态度和语言艺术,使客人不至于觉得难堪和不快; (3)如果客人仍不清楚,则派人去现场示范。set an example.
一位住店客人在房间摔跤而受伤,服务员应如何处理?When?a?customer?fall?down?in?the?room?and get?, what?should?the?housekeeper?do?
答:(1)道歉并安慰客人,马上联系医生;apologize and comfort the customer (2)向上级汇报,通知相关部门进行特殊照顾;To tell the superior and notify the related departments to give an extra help
(3)陪同上级到房间探病问候,对所发生的事情向客人表示歉意,必要时采用补救措施;follow the superior to the room forpatient, apologize for the thing happened, Take the remedial measure if its necessary.
(4)做好事发经过记录,防止类似的事情再次发生。Take a note of the process and prevent the same thing to happen again
客人住下后,要求调房时,怎么处理?How to deal when the customer asks to change a room?
答:(1)当客人住下后要求调房时,应了解客人要求调房的原因;When the customer ask to change a room after staying, we are supposed to know the reasons clearly.
(2)及时与前厅部联系,尽量为客人调整合适的房间。如果房间紧张,一时无法调换时要向客人耐心解释,并表示一旦有空房将马上为其调换;contact the front office timely, try to for the customer, Explain passionately to the guests if the rooms are fully booked. To show the customers, we will change a new one if its available.
(3)如果调房原因是房间设备有问题,除为客人调换房间外,还要及时请维修人员来检查维修。If the reason for the serviceman to check immediately except for changing the room.
客人反映在客房失窃时,服务员该如何处理?The guest reflected guest room, what should the housekeeper do?
答:(1)倾听客人反映情况,详细了解客人丢失物品的细节,不做任何结论;Listen to guest’ information and about the details of the guests’ lost items, but dont make any conclusions.
(2)协助客人寻找,但在房间时请客人自己查找,以免发生不良后果;assist the guest to find, butproducing adverse consequences
(3)确实找不到的话,要及时向上级汇报;如果是重大的失窃(价值较大)时,应马上保护现场,立即报告保安部门。If weant find the things, we must report to their superiors promptly. If its a major theft (larger value),you should protect the scene and report the Security Department immediately.
发生火灾时,应如何处理?When?the?f?happens, how?to?deal?with?it?
答:(1)及时发现火源,迅速查清楚失火的燃烧物质;to find?the source of the fire and the?burning material quickly
(2)及时报警,讲清楚详细地址、时间、燃烧物质、火情、报告人等信息;address,?time,? burning material,??r