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4. You can buy it and eat it in special fish and chip shops on the high street... 你可以在大街上的炸鱼加炸薯条 店购买并食用 它…… 有人将high street译为“高街”,但high street绝不是指街的路面比较高,而是指一个城镇的繁华的商业大街或主街。在大城市,每一个区域都有自己的“高街”,比如伦敦的Oxford Street(牛津街)、纽约的42nd Street(42号大街),还有我国大城市的繁华商业街,如北京的西单和王府井、上海的淮海路和南京路等。 5. ... or you can take it away and eat it with your fingers! 或者你可以把它(炸鱼加炸薯条)带走,然后直接 用手拿着吃! take away 在这里特指将餐馆的食品带走,而不是在餐馆食用。 e.g. —Would you eat it here or take it away? 您是在这吃还是带走? —Ill take it away. 带走。 因此在英国,外卖食品被称为“takeaway”。 e.g. The restaurant provides takeaway service. 这家餐馆提供外卖服务。 3. What food and drink do you give to visitors when they come to your home? We will serve the visitors with tea, fruits and snacks. 4. What do you eat during the Spring Festival? We will have a big meal with our family during the Spring Festival. People may have lots of meat at the meal. What mustn’t you do at the bus stop? What need you do? You mustn’t push your way onto the bus. You need to stand in a line and wait your turn. waiting for the bus 6. Once I noticed a gentleman touch a young man on the shoulder ... 有一次我看到一位先生拍了拍一位 年轻人的肩膀…… touch sb. on the shoulder 表示“拍某人的肩膀”,是 英语的惯用表达,其他类似的表达例子如: pat sb. on the head 拍某人的头 kick sb. in the leg 踢某人的腿 for the first time meal meet something interesting stand in a line take away 1. What did Wang Hui notice when he was in England? He noticed something interesting with the English way of life. 2. What is one example of the English way of life? You must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time. 3. What do you eat for afternoon tea? Afternoon tea is a light meal and you eat sandwiches or a large fruit cake, and drink tea with milk. 4. How can you eat fish and chips? You can eat fish and chips in shops or take it away and eat it with your fingers. 5. What do people do when they wai



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