超能陆战队台词 超能陆战队部分台词.doc

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超能陆战队台词 超能陆战队部分台词 大白:on no 某女:Wasabi! Wasabi(黑):Goodbye! Gogo(紫发):Hiro , explanation now! 小宏:He stole my microbots,he started the fire . I don’… 托儿所上学期幼儿评语大全 托儿所上学期幼儿评语大全 你是一个活泼、能干的小朋友,上课能认真的听老师讲故事,念儿歌,还能积极地举手发言,而且现在不但能自己动手折叠被子,整理玩具,还能帮助老师收发学习用具,课间也能和小朋友一起快乐地玩耍、做游戏。遇到事情… A级基础训练:课内巩固与强化(时间30分钟,满分50分) 一、火眼金睛(辨字组词)(16分) 曳( ) 茸( ) 副( ) 怜( ) 拽( ) 饵( ) 幅( ) 令( ) 魔( ) 丈( ) 撒( ) 狐( ) 磨( ) 杖( ) 撤( ) 孤( … 大白:on no 某女:Wasabi! Wasabi(黑):Goodbye! Gogo(紫发):Hiro , explanation now! 小宏:He stole my microbots,he started the fire . I don’t who he is! Baymax , palm hill strike! Gogo(紫发):Hard left! Fred:That Mask, black suit……We are under attack from a super villain people! I mean, how cool is that? I mean it’s scary obviously, but how cool !? Gogo(紫发):Why are we stopped? Wasabi(黑):The lights red. Gogo(紫发):There are no red lights in a car chase! Wasabi(黑):Why is he trying to kill us? Why are you trying to kill us? Fred:It’s classic villain, we’ve see too much! Honey Lemon(金发):Let’s not jump to conclusions, We don’t know he is trying to kill us Fred:Car! Honey Lemon(金发):He is trying to kill us! Gogo(紫发):Did you just put your blinker on? Wasabi(黑):You have to indicate your turn, it’s the law! Gogo(紫发):That’s it! (Wasabi(黑)鬼叫时间!) 小宏:Stop the car! Baymax and I can take this guy! 大白:Seat belts save lives. Buckle up everytime. Wasabi(黑):Whoa! Wha, Wha, Wha, Wha, Wha,what are you doing? what are you doing? what are you doing? what are you doing? Honey Lemon(金发):I think we lose him. Wasabi(黑):Watch out! 小宏:Baymax, hold on! Wasabi(黑):We are not gonna make it! Honey Lemon(金发):We are gonna make it! Wasabi(黑):We are not gonna make it Honey Lemon(金发):We are gonna make it! Wasabi(黑):We are not gonna make it! Honey Lemon(金发):We are gonna make it! Wasabi(黑):We made it! Yes! Honey Lemon(金发):I told you we are gonna make it. 大白:Your injuries require my attention and your body temperatures are low. 小宏:We should get out of here. Fred:I know a place. 大白:on no 某女:W


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