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当前大型综艺节目现状以及发展策略 摘要 一 引言 1.1.中国综艺节目的发展演变 1.1.1电视综艺节目的概念 1.1.2电视综艺节目的发展历程 1.2中国电视综艺节目当前的几个特点 1.2.1电视娱乐份额逐年上升 1.2.2节目创新步伐加快 1.2.3民营制作公司逐渐走向边缘,娱乐节目生产制作逐渐向大媒体平台集中 1.2.4娱乐节目产业化运营 二 电视综艺节目的现状及问题 2.1数量多,但程泛滥之势 2.2创新多,但呈现杂乱之态 2.3主持人中也出现了不少问题 2.4克隆成风,缺乏创意 三 电视综艺节目《快乐大本营》的快乐之道 3.1坚持快乐理念 3.2追求创新 3.3稳定主持形象 四 电视综艺节目的发展策略 4.1加强节目文化内涵的提升 4.2对节目实施品牌化管理策略 4.3提高创新能力 4.4加强对相关人才的素质培养 4.5使节目本土化发展 五 结语 参考文献 当前大型综艺节目现状以及发展策略 摘 要 自二十世纪九十年代以来,中国的电视节目体系渐渐走向成熟与完善,各种类型的电视节目竞争也日渐加剧。而在当前中国众多的电视节目类型中,综艺节目排在了前列,在这种竞争格局中,综艺节目面临着巨大的挑战与压力。本文首先回顾了电视综艺节目的发展历程,在总结已有研究成果的基础上,将电视综艺节目的发展概括为四个阶段:以表演类为主的综艺节目阶段;以游戏娱乐类为主的综艺节目阶段;以益智类为主的综艺节目阶段;以“真人秀”为主的综艺节目阶段。其次文章总结了中国电视综艺节目当前的四个特点:娱乐节目份额逐年上升,节目创新步伐加快,节目的生产制作逐渐向大媒体平台集中,以及娱乐节目产业化运营。接着,文章分析了当前综艺节目的现状及若干问题,并分析了《快乐大本营》的快乐之道。最后,文章对综艺节目的发展提出了几点建议。 关键词:电视综艺节目;特点;问题;建议 Since 1990s, the Chinese television program system has headed for mature and perfect gradually. Meanwhile, the competitions between different TV programs have become fiercer. However, among the current Chinese television programs, the variety show has row at the front rank. In this kind of competition structure and form, the variety show faces a huge challenge and the pressure. First of all,this paper reviews the whole process of TV program of variety show . Based on the previous study outcomes,this paper divides the whole process into four periods: the fist period mainly on displaying ;the second period mainly on game entertainment; the third period mainly on quiz show; the fourth period mainly on reality show. And then, this paper concludes four characteristics of variety show: the gradual rise of entertainment program share, the accelerating pace of program innovation, the gradual incorporation of program production into larger media platform, and the industrial running of entertainment program. Again, this paper analyzes the situation and several problems existing in variety shows and takes Happy Camp as the example to explain how a show can be successful. Finally, the pa


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