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摘要 从2004年乐视网作为中国首个视频网站正式上线算起,我国视频行业迄今为止已经发展了十年的时间。但与国外视频网站已经开始正式盈利不同,盈利难问题始终是我国视频网站发展十年历程中的终极困扰。本文通过对比分析、数据分析法对当下的视频网站进行系统的研究,选取当下十分火热的O2O商业模式为切入点对案例音悦台视频网站的创新运营模式进行较为深入的学术研究,希望从音悦台视频网站的案例中获得些许对突破我国视频网站盈利瓶颈这个问题的启示。 论文分为五个部分:第一部分为绪论,介绍论文的研究背景、研究目的及意义,并对现有与国内外视频网站发展相关的文献进行概述。第二部分对国内外视频网站的发展现状、网站类型、运营模式分别进行了逐个分析和对比研究,得出结论为虽然国内外视频网站在起步时间、运营模式、视频播放形式、盈利模式等方面都基本相同,但是生搬硬套国外视频网站成功的案例仍然难以突破国内视频网站盈利瓶颈的现实问题。第三部分结合我国网络视频市场的现状,分析得出我国视频网站存在的问题及面临的挑战。第四部分为视频网站运营模式的案例分析,详细解读有着独特受众定位的音悦台视频网站如何在运营过程中巧妙的加入O2O商务模式,开拓多元化的盈利渠道,为视频用户打造线上线下良性循环的视频平台。第五部分结合音悦台视频网站的创新运营模式对中国视频网站的突破盈利瓶颈提出了一些自己的思考和建议。 关键词:视频网站;运营模式;O2O;音悦台 ABSTRACT LeTV.com as the first brand new video website in China was officially launched in 2004. Chinese Video websites have been developed over ten years to this day. However, these websites hardly earn their profits in this business. Especially compared with those video websites overseas which have earned the profits normally. This paper has a systematic research on the websites in China through comparative analysis and data analysis method. We choose the O2O business model which is very popular in China now as an entry point, focus on the case of YinYueT whose operation model is innovative. Through this case study, We expect that there will have some implications which can overcome the difficulties of Chinese Video websites earn their profits. This paper laid out as five parts. First part is the introduction, which state the research background, the research purpose and the importance of this research. We overviewed the literatures of video websites both domestic and overseas. The second part we analyzed the current situation, website types and operation patterns of video websites both home and overseas individually. The conclusion shows that even the operation pattern video running form online and profits model are very similar to each other, but if we apply these successful cases overseas without considering the local conditions, the dilemma of Chinese video w


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