general o s h a compliance checklist- hub spot(通用o s h合规检查表-中心位置).doc

general o s h a compliance checklist- hub spot(通用o s h合规检查表-中心位置).doc

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general o s h a compliance checklist- hub spot(通用o s h合规检查表-中心位置)

General OSHA Compliance Checklist #3 [Company Name] Date: Inspectors: Department: OSHA is the agency responsible for establishing and enforcing standards that will make the workplace safe and healthful for the employees. Items and areas to be checked are: 1. OSHA Log 2. Written Safety Related Materials 3. Posting Requirements 4. Documentation of Training 5. Walk through Inspection 1. OSHA Log OSHA mandates that the employer keep records of occupational injuries and illnesses. Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA form 300) ___ OSHA form 300 maintained by calendar year. ___ Entries made within 7 calendar days. ___ OSHA form 300 retained for 5 years. Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (OSHA form 300A) ___ Closed out and signed by a Company Executive at the end of the calendar year. ___ Posted in a conspicuous place for all employees February 1 through April 30. Injury and Illness Incident Report (OSHA form 301 or equivalent) ___ Supplementary record constructed within 7 calendar days of recordable case. 2. Written Safety Material Requirements Many of the OSHA standards have a requirement that the employer shall develop, implement and maintain a written plan, policy, procedure, program or rule. Emergency Action Plan Last Reviewed: _______________ ___ Emergency escape procedures emergency escape route assignments. ___ Procedure to be followed by employees who remain to operate critical operations. ___ Procedure to account for all employees. ___ Rescue Medical duties identified for those assigned. ___ Preferred means of reporting fires and other emergencies. ___ Names or job titles of persons who can provide further information. Fire Prevention Plan Last Reviewed: _______________ ___ A list of the major workplace fire hazards. ___ Names or titles of persons responsible for fire prevention maintenance. ___ Names or titles of persons responsible for control of fuel source hazards. ___ Housekeeping procedure fo



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