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工程概况 General 根据工程需要,在生产区安装一台30t龙门吊。该机资产编号:204-04-048,主要组成部分包括:刚性腿、挠性腿、桥架、葫芦轨道、行走台车及操作、运行机构。 主要参数:桥架总长:35.66m,跨距:32m,行走台车:9.188m,桥架安装后上弦标高:16.5m。额定起重量:30t,小钩额定起重量:10t,起升高度:大钩10.5m、小钩11m,起升速度:大钩4.44m/min、小钩7m/min,龙门吊自重60t,龙门吊工作制度A3,总功率58.1KW A 30t gantry crane is to be set up in the production area as necessary. Its asset reference no. is 204-04-048, and it includes: rigid legs and flexible legs, bridge, rail for chain block, travel trolley and operating and running mechanisms. Main technical data as follows: 35.66m of overall length of bridge, 32m of span, 9.188m long of travel trolley, 16.5m of top elevation of bridge after erection, rated lifting capacity of 30t, rated hook load of 10t, 10.5m of lifting height of big hook and 11m of small hook, 4.44m/min of lifting speed of big hook and 7m/min of small hook, the weight of gantry crane is 60t, operating system is A3 and its total power is 58.1KW. 2. 编制依据References 2.1 《电力建设起重机械性能手册》 -Electrical construction lifting machine performance manual, 2.2 《电力建设安全工作规程》和《电力建设安全管理规定》 -Electrical construction safety regulations and management regulations 2.3 《大型起重机械的选型、安装和拆卸管理规定》 -Regulations for type selection, erection and dismantle of heavy duty lifting machines 2.4 《起重机械安全监察规定》 -Safety surveillance rules of lifting machines 2.5 《起重设备安装工程施工及验收规范》,GB50278—98 - Erection and acceptance specification for lifting machines 2.6 30t龙门吊图纸及使用说明书 -drawings and instruction of 30t gantry crane 3. 安装前的准备工作Preparation before erection 3.1 劳力组织labours 3.1.2 设总指挥1人、安全员1人、技术员1人、质量员1人。 1 Supervisor, 1 HSE member, 1 technician and 1 quality inspector. 3.1.2 起架组:起架工6人、操作工5人。 Scaffolding: 6 worker, 5 operators. 3.1.3 钳电组:钳工2人、电火焊工各1人、电工3人。 Mechanic and electrician: 2 mechanics, 1 welder and 3 electricians. 3.2 主要配合机械及工具 Main auxiliary machines and tools 3.2.1 主吊机具:一台自备型号TG500E(204-08-027),另一台55t汽车吊需要外租,租赁前需要签定租赁协议。 Main lifting machines: One of them is own by the company, and its type is TG500E(204-08-027). Anot


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