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英译汉 1. There exists a very serious traffic problem in our big cities. That is, it’s hard for drivers to find parking lots. 我们的城市存在一个十分严重的交通问题,那就是司机总是很难找到停车场。 2. I think something very important for me to do after graduation is to find a job with good pay and comfortable working conditions, even though it is hard to achieve. 大学毕业后,我认为我要做的第一件重要的是就是找一份既能挣钱且工作条件舒适的工作,尽管很不容易得到。 3. To tell the truth, I had never seen such serious traffic problems in my hometown and I still think that the traffic conditions in my hometown are the best. 说句实话,在我老家我还是从未遇到过严重的交通问题,但我还总认为我老家的交通状况是全国最好的。 4. Granted that you are given comfortable working conditions and high salary, you’ll lose you job very easily if you don’t work hard. 就算给你很好的工作条件和高的薪水,如果你不好好干,很快你就会失去工作。 5. Her words seem reasonable, but if you think about it carefully, you will otherwise think that she’s making nonsense. 她的话听起来有道理,但只要你仔细想一想,你又会认为她是在胡说八道。 6. Although we have found solution to this problem, the boss still thinks that this solution is not the best as he expected. 虽然已经找到解决问题的方法,但老板认为这个办法并不是她认为的最好的。 7. The cop told me that once I found the thief who stole my money in the street the week last, I would call 110or call him directly. 警察告诉我一旦发现上周在街上偷我钱的那个小偷,赶快拨打110或者他的电话。 8. Now that all the representatives for the meeting were told that the meeting for tomorrow had been canceled, all the representatives would be extremely happy, I think. 既然已经告知了她所有开会的代表,明天的会议取消,而该去旅行,我想大家一定会很开心。 9. Now that you have told me time and again that you extremely hate (dislike) me, I want to ask you why you are constantly calling me. 既然你已数次告诉我你讨厌我,那我倒想问问你为何还无休止的给我打电话。 10. When I first saw the actress 3 years ago, who was a bit famous then, I though that I couldn’t forget her. 三年前当我第一次见当时全国已经小有名气的女演员时,我就想我一辈子恐怕都忘不了。 11. I was wondering why people of that small mountain village are so honest, because it is very hard to find such honest people in the city. 我想知道那小山村里的人为何如此诚实,因为我想在城市里找到那样的人实在不容易。 12. Although I am still a poor student without any


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