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企业内部文稿 内部文稿指企业内部交流用的各种文函(Internal Communications),包括 备忘录(Memorandums)、 议事日程(Agenda)、 会议记录(Minutes)、 面谈记录(Notes on Face-to-Face Conversations)、 电话跟踪确认函(Telephone Follow-Up Letters)等。 企业对外文稿 对外文稿是指 企业对外新闻发布会用的新闻通稿(Press Release/News Release)、 展览展示会用的公司宣传材料(Prospectus/Presentation)、 公益活动用的宣传稿件、庆典礼仪活动、会议宴会等场合的各种致辞 (欢迎辞Welcoming Speeches、告别辞Farewell Speeches、开幕辞Opening Speeches、闭幕辞Closing Speeches、答谢辞Thanking Speeches、祝贺辞Congratulation Speeches、节庆致辞Celebrating Speeches、就职辞Inaugural Speeches等) 和商务演讲稿(Business Speeches)等。 公关文稿的翻译原则 1. 完整(Completeness) 2. 正确(Correctness) 实例介绍部分公关文稿的翻译方法 (1)备忘录(Memo): 译文 (2)议事议程(Agenda): 译文: (3)会议记录(Minutes): 译文: 答谢告别辞 Ladies and Gentlemen, 女士们、先生们: We are very happy to be here tonight when we can have the opportunity to express our thanks and to bid farewell to our Chinese friends. 我们很荣兴今晚有机会在此表达我们的谢意并且跟我们的中国朋友话别。 We have just concluded a journey through your remarkable country and we were deeply impressed. Traditionally, Americans admire progress and the People’s Republic of China is an outstanding example of progress. You have experienced an amazing 50 years of national achievements. 我们刚刚游历了你们这个了不起的国家,它给我留下了很深的印象。美国人向来崇尚进步,而中国正是进步的突出典型,你们经历了50年的历程,取得了惊人的成就。 During our stay here we traveled 10,000 km of your great country under the expert guidance of capable people with China International Service. In traveling through China we were impressed by the determination and confidence of the Chinese people and by the scenes of construction everywhere. 在这里的这段时间,我们在中国国际旅行社专业导游的引导下,在伟大的中国大地上旅行了10,000公里。旅途中,中国人的决心和信心以及各处可见的建设场景都给我们留下了深刻的印象。 Of many visits to various areas of the world, the visit to your country was the most culturally rewarding. The friendliness, hospitality, superb food, comfortable accommodations and beautiful scenery combined to make this journey a memorable sojourn for all of us. 在我们对世界各地众多的访问中,此次访问是我们在文化方面受益最大的。友善好客、美味佳肴、舒适住宿以及旖旎风光都使这次旅行成为我们所有人最难忘的经历。 We are all


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