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摘 要 汽车工业随着国民经济发展和交通运输体系的全面建立得到了飞速发展。汽车车架作为汽车总成的一部分,承受着来自道路和装载的各种复杂载荷作用,并且汽车上许多重要总成件都是以车架为载体,因而车架的强度和刚度在汽车总体设计中起到非常重要的作用,节能车架的轻量化设计有助于对节能车节能提高性能。 本设计利用UG软件三维建模,有限元分析软件ANSYS对节能车车架进行绘制建模和分析研究。分别讨论该车架静态时在纯弯曲工况和扭转工况下的静强度分析,进行静态时的刚度分析;分析车架在弯曲工况、扭转工况、搓板路工况和紧急转弯情况下的静态动强度分析。预期分析,该车架的应力值小于材料的强度极限,是否满足设计的要求,是否强度偏大,比较经济性。本文还进行了车架的动态分析,主要是模态分析,它是结构动态设计的核心,克服了静态方法的局限性,强调从结构的整体考虑问题。通过对车架进行模态分析,设计中提出几种方案对车架进行了轻量化设计,优化的结果使得车架自身重量减少,节约原材料,降低生产的成本,提高汽车的燃油经济性,并且有利于环保。 关键词:节能车车架;有限元;静力学分析;模态分析;轻量化设计 Abstract With the national economy and automobile transportation system has been the rapid development of fully established. Automobile frame assembly as part of a vehicle to withstand the load from the road and the various complex loads, and the cars are based on many important pieces of the frame assembly as the carrier, which frame the overall strength and stiffness in the car Design to a very important role to play, saving lightweight frame design helps improve performance of energy saving vehicles. The three-dimensional modeling software designed by UG, ANSYS finite element analysis software to draw on the energy-saving vehicle frame modeling and analysis. Discussion of the frame, respectively, in pure bending static conditions and to reverse the condition of the static strength analysis of the static stiffness analysis; analysis of frame conditions in bending, torsion condition, washboard road conditions and emergency situations turn static dynamic strength analysis. The results show that the stress of the frame is less than the ultimate strength of the material to meet the design requirements, but the intensity is too large, so the relatively poor economy. This frame also carried out a dynamic analysis, modal analysis are mainly, it is the core of the structure dynamic design overcomes the limitations of static methods, emphasizing the whole to consider the issue from the structure. By modal analysis frame, the design of several options put forward were a lightwe



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