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6.2.2 塑性变形对材料性能的影晌 加工硬化现象作为一种强化方式,在材料的生产和使用过程中有重要意义。对于一些不能用热处理方法强化的材料,如某些铝、铜合金,采用加工硬化方法提高其强度显得尤为重要。 加工硬化是一些材料加工工艺的基础。例如金属线材的冷拉拔加工,正是由于材料本身的加工硬化特性,才使金属型材变形均匀,避免因局部不均匀变形导致的断裂。 加工硬化现象使材料在塑性变形过程中变形抗力逐渐增加,塑性逐步下降,以致丧失继续变形的能力。为了消除加工硬化,使材料重新恢复变形的能力,必须对其进行退火处理。 * 6.2.2 塑性变形对材料性能的影晌 2.对材料物理、化学性能的影响 材料经塑性变形后,由于点阵畸变、位错与空位等晶体缺陷的增加,其物理性能和化学性能会发生一定的变化。如电阻率增加,电阻温度系数降低,磁滞与矫顽力略有增加,磁导率、热导率下降。 由于原子活动能力增大,还会使扩散加速。塑性变形提高了材料的内能,使化学活性提高,抗腐蚀性能下降。 * * 6.1.3 合金的塑性变形 间隙型溶质原子比置换原子具有较大的固溶强化效果。间隙溶质原子引起的点阵畸变比置换原子大;间隙原子在晶体中引起非对称性点阵畸变时,其强化作用大于对称性点阵畸变。由于间隙原子在晶体中的固溶度较小,数量少,故实际强化效果有限。 溶质原子与基体金属的价电子数相差越大,固溶强化作用越显著,即固溶体的屈服强度随合金电子浓度的增加而提高。 * Figure The effects of several alloying elements on the yield strength of copper. Nickel and zinc atoms are about the same size as copper atoms, but beryllium and tin atoms are much different from copper atoms. Increasing both atomic size difference and amount of alloying element increases solid-solution strengthening. * From the atomic radii, show whether the size difference between copper atoms and alloying atoms accurately predicts the amount of strengthening found in Figure Example Solid-Solution Strengthening Figure The effects of several alloying elements on the yield strength of copper. Nickel and zinc atoms are about the same size as copper atoms, but beryllium and tin atoms are much different from copper atoms. Increasing both atomic size difference and amount of alloying element increases solid-solution strengthening. * For atoms larger than copper—namely, zinc, aluminum, and tin— increasing the size difference increases the strengthening effect. Likewise for smaller atoms, increasing the size difference increases strengthening. Example SOLUTION The atomic radii and percent size difference are shown below: * Figure The effect of additions of zinc to copper on the properties of the solid-solution-strengthened alloy. The increase in % elongation with increasing zinc content is not typical of solid-solution strengthening. * 6.1.3 合金


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