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… in the postwar years, prompting a building boom in housing, schools, and shopping malls. As the boomers reached young adulthood in the 1960s and 70s, their tastes in music and their hair and dress styles strongly influenced the national culture, As they aged and prospered in the 1980s and 90s, their buying habits determined the course of many consumer industries, including automobiles. The needs of baby boomers during their retirement years were expected to strain public resources. Medicare: Medicare is a national health insurance program created and administered by the federal government in the United States to address the medical needs of older American citizens. Medicare is available to U.S. citizens 65 years of age and older and some people with disabilities under age 65. rule of thumb: a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior 经验法则(靠经验估计) impending: about to happen The danger is impending over us.? bleak: offering little or no hope The future of this firm will be very bleak indeed if we keep losing money.? assets: The assets of a company or a person are all the things that they own A dynamic process is one that constantly changes and progresses. Dynamics are forces which produce power or movement. Dynamics is the scientific study of motion, energy, and forces Pre-listening question Do you know anything about the retirement system in China? aging population /400 million by 2040 pension system / social security planned economy / market economy a basic pension with personal savings accounts a reform in pension system is called for Guided Listening Part 1 The Baby Boom generation has been reshaping American society for 5 decades. --1950s 1960s jamming schools --1970s 1980s crowding job markets housing markets --Now retirement issue Part 2 Retirement income security—3 legged stool: Social Security, private pensions personal savings. Serve the elderly well Par



