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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (9) 手指握固:针合谷、上八邪 Fingers grip solid: Puncture Hegu(LI 4), Shangbaxie(EX-UE9). (10) 足内翻:丘墟透照海 Strephenopodia: Puncture Qiuxu(GB 40) to Zhaohai(KI 6) (11) 血管性痴呆:针百会、四神聪、 四白、太冲 Vascular Dementia:Puncture Baihui (DU 20), Sishencong(EX-HN1), Sibai(ST 2) and Taichong(LR 3). 太 冲 Taichong(LR 3) (12) 睡眠倒错:针上星、神门 Paradoxic Sleep: Puncture Shangxing (DU 23), Shenmen(HT 7). (13) 高血压:针人迎、曲池、 足三里、合谷、太冲 Hypertension: Puncture Renying (ST 9), Quchi(LI 11) ,Zusanli(ST36), Hegu(LI 4), Taichong(LR 3) (14) 呃逆:针人中、内关 Hiccup: Puncture Renzhong(DU 26), Neiguan(PC 6) 2.神志、精神疾患的治疗 Treatment of consciousness and mental disorders 癔病、郁症究其病机,气机郁闭、神窍失宣,情迷志乱是为关键。 运用“醒脑开窍”针法开窍启闭、宣发神气、调神定志,可以直达病所,使心神复明,动则精神饱满,静则志定神宁。醒法的变通作用,对诸如神经衰弱、癔病以及强迫症、抑郁症、焦虑症等各种神经、精神疾患,主治广泛,疗效确切。 Depression and stagnation of QI ,dysfunction of the mind and emotional upset, what are the key points of the pathogenesis of hysteria and melancholia. To induce resuscitation,release shen-qi ,modulate the function of shen and calm the mind, we use Xing Nao Kao Qiao“ acupuncture method, which is target therapy, as well as could rebound the pure brightness of heart-spirit.XNKQ acupuncture can treat diseases such as neurasthenia, hysteria, compulsion, depressive disorder and anxiety disorder etc. 3.厥闭脱证的治疗 Treatment of prostration syndrome with fainting and closure “阴平阳秘、精神乃治;阴阳离决,精气乃绝”,阴阳失和,神气逆乱而生闭厥。此时当急行醒脑开窍之法,以奏苏厥救逆之效。 “life activities being normally maintained when both yin and yang in equilibrium; exhaustion of vital essence when dissociation of yin and yang”. When it becomes prostration syndrome with fainting and closure, for the sake of imbalance between yin and yang and upset of vital spirit , we should use XNKQ acupunture method as soon as possible to revive the yang for resuscitation. “醒脑开窍”法可调节阴阳和脏腑功能,调整心经气血,开启心



