将问责和监督制度落到实处金融危机的教训 - China-Europe Pulic ....ppt

将问责和监督制度落到实处金融危机的教训 - China-Europe Pulic ....ppt

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将问责和监督制度落到实处金融危机的教训 - China-Europe Pulic ....ppt

监督管理层的行为 Oversight of managerial behaviour 丰富企业金融报告 Enrichment of corporate financial reporting 控制管理层薪酬 Control of managerial remuneration 加强审计纪律 Tighter discipline of auditing 实施更审慎的风险管理 More prudent management of risk 企业部门监督制度:一些实用步骤 Oversight system for the corporate sector: some practical steps 监督制度:管理风险 Oversight system: managing risk 管理风险缘何对银行如此重要? Why is managing risk so important to banks? 雷曼兄弟 北岩银行 冰岛银行 房利美和房地美 哈利法克斯银行和劳埃德银行 HMG对RBS的救助 花旗集团 管理风险缘何对银行如此重要?Why is managing risk so important to banks? * 行政监督的好处 The rewards of administrative oversight 行政监督能够 Administrative oversight has the power to: ? 消除损毁价值的腐败 Eliminate value-destructive corruption 激发盈利增长 Fuel profitable growth 在利益相关方中公平分配利益 Fairly allocate benefit across stakeholders 执行问责 Enforce accountability 对企业治理和企业社会责任作出明确承诺 Demonstrated commitment to the principles of corporate governance and CSR 建立利益相关方之间的信任 Building trust across stakeholders 法规和立法 Regulations and legislation 有效的监督措施 Effective oversight measures * 监督制度:一些实用步骤 Oversight system: some practical steps 应制定公司法律,尤其要关注以下方面 Company law must enact and, in particular, 加强透明度enforce transparency 制止利用少数人和外部人员deter exploitation of minorities and outsiders 制止和消除腐败deter and eliminate corruption 规制主管和其他利益相关方的权利、职责和义务regulate the rights, responsibilities and obligations of directors and other stakeholders 提高审计标准improve auditing standards 控制公司成立、驻地、筹资、债务、分布、上市、合并和清算行为 control company formation, residence, capital raising, debt, distributions, listing, merger and liquidation * 银行法和其他金融规定能够 Banking law and other financial regulation have the power to 推进审慎的货币政策 promote prudent monetary policies 规范金融机构放贷行为 discipline lending behaviour of financial institutions 抑制金融机构过度承担风险 curb excessive risk taking by financial institutions 消除腐败行为 Eliminate corruptive behaviour 监督制度:一些实用步骤 Oversight system: some practical steps 企业治理规定必须 Corporate governance regulation must 确保主管对其他利益相关方负责,如在委任关键岗位和职权、薪酬和主管监督方面ensure accountability of directors to other


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