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学业指导 Academic Guidance for Undergraduates 南京工业大学 教务处 2012-08 几个值得注意的现象 有些人刚刚明白大学是怎么回事,就已经毕业了; 有些人还没有明白,就糊里糊涂毕业了; 有些人最后终于明白了,不过没能毕业; 还有些人一直没明白,也没能毕业。 课程说明 课程之目标 从总体上探讨何谓大学、大学学什么和如何学的问题 为此,从三方面展开 认识大学——回答什么是大学的问题(1讲) 感受大学——了解我们的大学(学生以自我体验方式完成) 成就大学——讨论学什么和如何学的问题(2讲) 课程实施——讲课(3)+学生体验(1)+讨论(1) 课程团队——陈新民、孙芸、郑乐、费翔 (联系方式jwcjy@njut.edu.cn) 大家对课程的预期是什么 认识大学 ——什么是大学 思考? 何谓大学? 如何认识大学? 我们的认识路径 认识大学的两条路径 从中学与大学的比较中认识大学——横向 从大学的发展历史中认识大学——纵向 思考? 大学与中学有何不同? 中学与大学之区别 FOLLOWING THE RULES IN HIGH SCHOOL GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS TESTS IN HIGH SCHOOL GRADES IN HIGH SCHOOL 中学与大学之区别-1 FOLLOWING THE RULES IN HIGH SCHOOL CHOOSING RESPONSIBLY IN COLLEGE 中学与大学之区别-1 High school is mandatory and usually free. College is voluntary and expensive. 中学与大学之区别-1 Your time is structured by others. You manage your own time. 中学与大学之区别-1 You need permission to participate in extracurricular activities. You must decide whether to participate in co-curricular activities. 中学与大学之区别-1 You can count on parents and teachers to remind you of your responsibilities and to guide you in setting priorities. You must balance your responsibilities and set priorities. You will face moral and ethical decisions you have never faced before. 中学与大学之区别-1 Most of your classes are arranged for you. You arrange your own schedule in consultation with your adviser. Schedules tend to look lighter than they really are. 中学与大学之区别-1 You are not responsible for knowing what it takes to graduate. Graduation requirements are complex, and differ from year to year. You are expected to know those that apply to you. 中学与大学之区别-1 Guiding principle: You will usually be told what to do and corrected if your behavior is out of line. Guiding principle: You are expected to take responsibility for what you do and dont do, as well as for the consequences of your decisions. 中学与大学之区别-2 GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES SUCCEEDING IN COLLEGE CLASSES 中学与大学之区别-2 Classes generally have no more than 50 students. Cl


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