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现在很多人的办公室都是由一个个小隔间组成的,人与人之间都有薄薄的一层隔断。在个人空间有限的办公室,这样的隔间就算是我们的个人领地了。所以,在隔间中行走也是要注意礼貌礼仪的。   Cubicle etiquette (or “cubiquette”) is a set of unwritten rules that exist in the workplace. Cubicle etiquette guidelines should be adhered to by both workers in the cubicle and people in adjoining work spaces. One of the main factors in cubicle etiquette is privacy.   “隔间礼仪”(cubicle etiquette 或cubiquette)是办公室里默认的一些规矩。这些规矩需要隔间里的工作人员和临近工作场所的人员共同遵守。“隔间礼仪”中主要的一条就是隐私。   Although employees are usually part of a larger workplace, they sometimes regard their cubicle as their own office. For all intents and purposes, the cubicle should be viewed as an individual’s office. When entering, do not just barge in and begin talking; the employee may be concentrating on something important. Stand at the entrance to the cubicle and make your presence known until the worker is able to talk.   虽说在偌大的办公室里,员工只是其中很小的一个部分,但他们大都会把隔间当作自己的办公室。无论出于何种目的,员工的隔间都应当被视作一个私人办公室。要进入别人的隔间时,不要直接闯进去就开始说话,隔间内的员工可能正忙于重要事务。正确的做法应该是:站在隔间入口处,让人家知道你的存在,然后等人家有空的时候才开口。   Privacy should also take noise levels into account. The rules of cubicle etiquette exist in order to make the workplace a harmonious place. While talking on the phone, keep conversation volume to a normal level. No one likes to hear constant chattering or high pitched laughing.   讲话的音量也应该算在隐私的范畴内。“隔间礼仪”的存在就是为了让办公室变成一个和谐的办公场所。打电话的时候,请把说话音量保持在一个正常的水平。没有人愿意时不时听到有人大声闲聊或者放声大笑。   Confidentiality should also be taken into account as part of cubicle etiquette. Thin cubicle walls will not prevent people from hearing client discussions. This should be remembered when talking on the phone or discussing confidential client information in person.   “隔间礼仪”还包括保密意识。那层薄薄的隔断墙是不能阻止人们听到你与客户对话内容的。打电话或者与人谈论机密性质的客户信息时要格外记住这一点。   Keeping a cubicle clean and tidy is another facet of cubicle etiquette. A disorganized cubicle can reflect poorly on the employee’s level of professionalism.   “隔间礼仪”另一条:保持隔间干净整齐。杂乱无章的隔间会让员工的专业程度大打折扣。 贺卡营销方案 工欲善其事,必先利其器。为了提前应对贺卡战役,做好专业支


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