拟人修辞格赏析及在写作中的应用 Appreciation for Personification and ItS Application in Writing.docVIP

拟人修辞格赏析及在写作中的应用 Appreciation for Personification and ItS Application in Writing.doc

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拟人修辞格赏析及在写作中的应用 Appreciation for Personification and ItS Application in Writing.doc

拟人修辞格赏析及在写作中的应用 Appreciation for Personification and ItS Application in Writing   拟人,顾名思义就是把物当做人来描写,其做法就是把原本属于人的特性、品质、行为、情感等赋于物(包括有生命的或无生命的、抽象的或具体的)。恰当地使用拟人手法,可使被描写对象栩栩如生、活灵活现,很容易让读者产生共鸣。   在欣赏拟人修辞格时可从以下两点着眼:从结构上看,拟人主要是通过做谓语的动词来实现,即句子中最传神的部分是动词;从内容上看,拟人重在“拟”,人永不出现。   He glanced at the dew-covered grass,and it winked back at him.(他瞥了一眼挂满露珠的青草,青草也向他眨了眨眼睛。)   在此句中,青草被拟人化后似乎具有了灵性,它给人们带来的视觉形象是一个长着一双大眼睛的幼童,既顽皮又可爱。   The flames ate up the house.(大火吞噬了房屋。)   My stomach begins to tell.(我肚子饿了。)   The traffic crawled at a snails pace.(堵塞的交通如同蜗牛一样缓慢爬行。)   That peninsular tongues south-ward into the sea.(那个半岛呈舌形伸人海中。)   Fashion wins.(时尚是赢家。)   Passion lives here.(第20届都灵冬奥会的主题口号:激情常驻此间。)   A camera never lies.(相机从不说谎。)   The sun kisses the green fields.(太阳亲吻着绿色的大地。)   The full moon threw its sparkles on the surface of the water.(水面上闪烁着一轮圆月洒下的亮光。)   My stomach becomes excited as I breathe in the delicious air.(当嗅到空气中弥漫的食品香味时,我的胃立即兴奋起来。)   Dialogue opens many doors to compromise.(对话开启了用折中方法解决问题的大门。)   The storm dumped two feet of snow on the roads.(暴风雪将两英尺厚的雪倾倒在道路上。)   Night found the little girl selling flowers in the street.(入夜后这个小女孩仍在街头卖花。)   The twentieth century saw a pop-ulation boom never before experienced on our small planet.(我们这个小小的星球在20世纪曾经历了人口爆炸。)   下面是从我国学生习作中选出的含有拟人修辞格的句子。   (1)Students always have a busy life.Early in the morning,they get up hurriedly,rush to the student cafeteria,and then go to the classroom to study.Late in the evening,only the moon and the stars follow them home.   (2)Fortune only knocks at the door of the prepared minds.   (3)Success will not favor anyone who gives up halfway.   (4) May 12,2008 witnessed the most serious earthquake in Sichuan Province, China.   (5)The town wears gorgeous clothes for the coming holiday.   (6)The noise from the alarm clock dragged me out of my dream.   (7)The cloud-kissing trees watched me riding a bicycle.   (8)The river feeds the flowers along its banks.   (9)Spring wakes up the sl


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