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人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点理工类毕业设计(论文) 毕业设计(论文) 分校名称 合 肥 分 校 教学点名称 年级名称 05春计算机 专业名称 计算机应用 课题名称 车辆维修管理系统 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日 摘要 本文以现代汽车修理厂的业务运营模式作为基本框架,将汽车修理的业务接待报修、维修派工、汽配材料领用、车辆结算出厂作为开发的主线,论述了车辆维修管理系统的整体结构及流程化设计的基本方法。全文共分前言、系统分析、系统设计、系统实施、开发总结共五章。重点阐述了可视化编程技术、数据库管理技术。该系统通过Visual Basic 6.0中文版的开发工具进行桌面开发,主要介绍了软件开发的基本过程、部分常用控件的使用方法、数据库连接与数据集的调用与数据处理等方面;选择可视化的RDBMS工具MS Access2000作为后端数据库,在该数据库中数据以表的形式存储,介绍了表的创建及存储过程。通过该系统基本实现了汽车维修企业维修业务流程的信息化、自动化、程序化,规范了车辆维修企业的管理工作。 关键字:汽车修理 流程化 信息管理 VB Abstract This text fix the conduct and actions basic frame of the business luck camp mode of factory by modern car and receive the business that the car fix a report to fix, maintain parties work, vapor to go together with material to get to use and the vehicle settle accounts a factory as the main line of development and whole structure and process which discussed vehicle to maintain to manage system turn the basic method of design.The full text is totally divided into the implement, development of the design, system of the analysis, system of the foreword, system to tally up total 5.The point elaborates and can see to turn a plait distance technique, database management a technique.That system passes Visual Basic the development tool of 6.0 Chinese versions to carry on a tables top development and mainly introduced the basic process, part of software development in common use control operation method, database conjunction and data of piece to gather of adjust to use to handle with data etc.;The choice can see to turn of the MS Access2000 of the RDBMS tool be behind to carry a database, data in that database with the form of form saving, introduced establish of form and saving process.Pass that system basic carried out a car maintenance business enterprise to maintain business process


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