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What do they have in their schoolbags? What are these? They are…. What are these? They are…. like+doing I like _________(sing) He likes _________(dance). We like ________(skate). They like _________(shop). It likes ________(eat). You like ________(read). She likes _____________(take photos). 一、助动词(do与does) 在英语中,助动词本身没有意义,只是帮助实义动词完成某些语法功能,如构成否定句、疑问句、简略答语等。 二. 助动词do的基本用法? do的两种形式: 原形 现在式第三人称单数 do的基本用法: 构成否定句 构成一般疑问句及回答 1. 原形 肯定式: do 否定式: do not 缩略否定式: don’t 2.现在式第三人称单数 ? 什么时候用do? Do you…? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.(你) Yes, we do./ No, we don’t.(你们) Do we…?Yes,you do./ No, you don’t. Do I …? Yes,you do. / No, you don’t. Do they …?Yes, they do./ No, they don’t 什么时候用don’t I don’t … You don’t … They don’t… We don’t … Lily and Mike don’t… Lily and I want to go to Beijing. 否定句: Lily and I dont want to go to Beijing. 一般疑问句及回答: Do Lily and you want to go to Beijing? Yes, we do. ∕No, we dont. 什么时候用does? Does she …? Yes , she does./ No, she doesn’t. Does he …? Yes ,he does./ No, he doesn’t. Does it …? Yes, it does./ No, it doesn’t. 什么时候用doesn’t? She/he/it/Lily doesn’t… 注意doesn’t后面加动词原形 以助动词(do, does) 开头的一般疑问句。 1.Do you watch TV in the evening? Yes, ______ ______. 2.Does it rain in spring? Yes, ______ _____. 3.Do your parents work in a school? Yes, _____ ______. 4.Does she teach you English? No, ______ ______. have has的用法 第一人称:I have… 第二人称:You have… 复数:They /The girls/The boys/The children/ Ben and Janet have…. 第三人称单数:He/She/It/Lily has… 用have, has 填空 1.She _____ a cute toy. 2.I _____ a pen. 3.The boys _____ some toy cars. 4.You ______ an English book. 5.It______ two big eyes. 6.They ______ some bikes. 7.Ben _____ a sister. 1 Do you have a watch? Yes , I do./No, I don’t. 问时间 What time is it? It’s …. What’s the time? It’s…. It’s raining. Do you have an umbrella, Millie? No , I don’t, but Lily has one. I can go home with her. Do you have toys, Tom and Jim? Yes , we do


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