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結語--英語教學法 語言教學的最大特色在於教學法的多樣性 決定一種教學法好壞之因素: 教師能力 學生年齡和程度 班級大小 學習的時間 態度 動機 學習的目標 教師不可全盤接受某一特定教學法,須保持教學彈性 結語--英語教學法 Some riddles have no final answers. A few answerless riddles are still worth asking. They are worth asking not for their answers, since they have none, but for what we do in struggling with them. (Stevick, 1983, 3) 教學活動設計 英語教學活動設計 Tell me, I will forget. Show me, I may remember. But involve me, I will understand. ---Anonymous 英語教學活動設計 1. Warm up (暖身) 2. Presentation (呈現主題) 3. Practice (練習) 4. Production (應用) 5. Wrap up (融會貫通) Warm up (暖身) 1.????? Greeting/Chatting 2.????? Telling a Joke or a Story 3.????? Giving a Riddle 4.????? Playing a Game 5.????? Singing a Song 6.????? Acting out 7.????? Introducing the Culture Backgrounds 8.????? Reviewing Presentation (呈現主題) 單字教學:透過聽音、看字形、及肢體動作的交叉教學,應能更容易吸收 句型教學 :教師示範句型,可以TPR活動帶入。一邊念一邊作動作,重複念幾次。接著教師將字卡貼在黑板或將句型板書在黑板上。 Practice (練習) 1.????? Choral Repetition Drill 2.????? Backward Build-up Drill 3.????? Individual Repetition Drill 4.????? Chain Drill 5.????? Substitution Drill 6.????? Transformation Drill 7.????? Question-and Answer Drill 8.????? Role Play Production (應用) 1.?Pair working 配對活動 2.?Group working 小組活動 3.?活動範例:一般活動、 調查訪問 (Survey, Interview)、 訊息互補 (Information Gap) Wrap up (融會貫通) 1.????? Reviewing 2.????? Reading the Book 3.????? Listening to the Cassette or CD 4.????? Playing a Game 5.????? Singing a Song 6.????? Assigning Homework Classroom English What is “Classroom English”? 用來暖場、帶活動、串場時用的英語 簡短易懂、用字清楚、教室裡常用的英語 基礎教室英語 Greeting Routines Roll call Chatting Classroom Rules Praise Encouragement Discipline Classroom Control Commands Instructions 基礎教室英語 Exercise Questions Using Activities Grouping Warning Student Language Ending Departure Interjection Ways to say “Very Good” Super! Good work! I’m proud of the way you worked today! Good job. Great! Way to go! Good for you! Nice going! Terrific! Ways to


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