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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福阅读背景知识——无限假期unlimited vacation 摘要: 想要提升自己的托福阅读速度,平时的阅读练习是非常重要的。而在我们的练习中又该如何选好托福阅读的练习材料呢?在以下内容中,我们就为大家带来托福阅读背景知识,希望能为大家的备考带来帮助。 想要提升自己的 托福 阅读速度,平时的阅读练习是非常重要的。而在我们的练习中又该如何选好 托福阅读 的练习材料呢?在以下内容中,我们就为大家带来托福阅读背景知识,希望能为大家的备考带来帮助。 周一至周六(上午9:30-12:30 下午1:30-6:30) 免费分享托福资料 扫描二维码获得完整版 托福阅读背景知识 托福阅读背景知识:无限假期 Like all-you-can-eat shrimp or the right to consume candy and ice cream all day because your parents can’t stop you anymore, unlimited vacation time isnt quite as fabulous as you might think. 就像自助餐吃大虾和随意吃糖果冰淇淋而没有父母唠叨一样,“无限假期”其实也没有你想的那么光鲜。 LinkedIn is the latest employer to offer whats known as discretionary time off, or DTO in corporate HR-speak. Starting on Nov. 1, the job networking site’s approximately 6,000 US employees will be able to take as much time off as they want every year. 领英公司成为提供“自主休假”或者“DTO”的又一位雇主,他们刚在人力资源部的讲话中宣布此事。新政策自11月1日开始实行。领英是一个聚焦工作人际关系的网站,在全美境内约有6000名员工,他们今后将能按自己的意愿休年假。 Sort of. 差不多是这样。 “The purpose is to empower managers and employees,” Pat Wadors, LinkedIn’s chief human resource officer, told The Huffington Post. Employees are adults who don’t need to be micromanaged or wait to accrue vacation days after a designated period, she said. 领英现任首席人力资源官帕特·沃多尔表示“其目的就是授予经理和员工权力,”她向赫芬顿邮报如此说道。她称,雇员是成年人,他们不再需要被从头管到脚,也无需等到过完指定时间后再休年假。 But there are limits to the new policy. Workers can’t create an alternative work schedule, such as three-day weeks. They can’t take six months off. “That’s a leave of absence, not a vacation,” Wadors said. Employees need to work out their days off with their managers. 但新政策也有限制。员工们不能制定另类的工作时间表,比如一周只工作三天。他们也不能休六个月的假。“那是旷工,而非休假,”沃尔多表示。雇员们得和他们的经理协调好自己的假期。 It’s not really unlimited vacation, in other words. Its a tricky bit of push and pull, in which employees must figure out how much time to take off without overloading their own work schedules or those of their colleagues -- and still convince their bosses that theyre devoted employees. Wadors said that LinkedIn managers know to offer feedback to employ


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