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EST Translation Chapter 5 Part II Formation of Adjectives 1) –able, -ible, -uble machine- machinable steel notice- noticeable effect control- controllable reaction handle- handleable substance recover, service, consider, avoid, govern, accept, suit dispense, define, neglect, inflame, vary, practise, flex 2) –ed heat- heated metal corrode- corroded surfaces extend- extended properties emit- emitted response achieve, obtain, desire, need, filter, machine, control, expect, expel, exhaust, refine, immerse, compress, expand, ignite, cool 3) –ing compensate- compensating jet conduct- conducting medium corrode- corroding agent cool, enter, burn, sustain, adjust, vary communicate, circulate, emanate, change, divide, emerge, lubricate, rotate 4) –ive effect- effective remedy react- reactive force expand- expansive demand relate- relative motion conduct, instruct, connect, attract, defect, excess conclude, intense impel, compare, sense 5) –ent (-ant) converge- convergent beam absorb- absorbent material suffice- sufficient power diverge, consist, depend, emerge, differ resist, prevail 6) –al essence -essential structure -structural crisis - critical 7) –ar Lamina (薄层) -laminar (层状的) angle -angular line -linear II 形容词的译法 1一般译法:1直译 “的”/ 省译“的” Complex computer systems are prone to software hitches (故障). 复杂的计算机系统容易出现软件故障。 The parts must be very strong so that they may not break in use. 零件必须十分坚固,才不会在使用中破损。 2 转译 adj.→n./ v./ adv. 1) adj.→n. (1) the+ adj. 指代一类人/物 (2) 起表语作用的adj. (3) as adj. as/ 比较级+than Hydrogen is about one-fourteenth as dense as air. 氢的密度大约是空气密度的1/14。 Helium (氦气)is a very light gas, only twice as heavy as hydrogen. 氦气是一种很轻的气体,重量仅为氢气的2倍。 Ice floats because it is not as dense as water. 冰浮起是因为它的密度比水的密度小。 2) adj.→v. (1)与系动词连用表心理状态的adj. →v. adj.: sure, certain, careful, anxious, cautious, able, familiar, available (2) 有动词意义的adj. →v. In the thermosciences area, the mechanical engineer is concerned with thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. 在热学领域,机械



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