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东师16春《翻译》在线作业 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 40 分。) 1. The Art of Translation is written by _____. A. Charles R.Taber B. George Steiner C. Theodore Savory D. Eugene A.Nida 2. “____”is the idea of Saint Jerome. A. It isn’t necessary to translate word for word. B. I have always aimed at translating sense,not words. C. The translati013 should have all the ease 0f 0riginal composition. D. The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that 0f the original. 3. A truly extraordinary variety of alternatives to the chemical control of insects is available. A. 使用化学方法控制昆虫除外,其它有效方法也可使用。 B. 除了不用化学方法控制昆虫外,应该还有其它方法可以使用。 C. 除了使用化学方法控制昆虫以外,还有其它各种奇妙的方法可以使用。 D. 控制昆虫的方法很多,使用化学方法只不过是其中之一也可使用。 4. Ignoring the chair offered him,Chu Teh stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was, what he had done in the past. A. 朱德不理睬递过来的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十几岁的年轻人面前,用平稳的语调讲述了自己的身份经历。 B. 朱德无视递给他的椅子,端端正正地站在这个年轻十岁的小伙子面前,告诉他自己的身份和经历。 C. 朱德顾不上接过递给他的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十几岁的小伙子面前,平静地向他讲述自己的身份和经历。 D. 朱德没有接过递给他的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十岁的小伙子面前,告诉他自己是谁,过去干过些什么。 5. 近年来,就业问题日益严重。 A. In recent years,unemployment has become all the more serious. B. In recent years,employment problem has been getting severe. C. Employment problem has become severer and severer. D. Employment problem has become severe in recent years. 6. 祝你考试取得好成绩! A. I wish you success in your examination. B. I wish you’ll do a good job in your examination. C. I hope you do a good job in the forthcoming examination. D. I hope you success in the forthcoming examination. 7. Men are much better than their ordinary life allows them to be. A. 人们比他们的平常生活所准许他们的更好。 B. 人的本性比他们的日常生活准许他们表现的更好。 C. 人性自有其优良高贵处,只是日常生活不给他一个表现的机会罢了。 D. 忠贞仁爱之美德,人所共具,特寻常烦琐,无由表露耳。 8. 就英汉语言特点而言,下列选项中不正确的一项是______。 A. 英语主从结构多,汉语并列结构多。 B. 英语被动态多,汉语被动式少。 C. 英语抽象名词多,汉语抽象名词少。 D. 英语成语多,汉语成语少。 9. 他的不合作态度使这个项目进展十分缓慢。 A. His incooperation makes the project progress very slowly. B. The project is making slow progress due to his lack of cooperatio



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