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译员的跨文化交际意识和能力 Interpreter’s awareness of and competence for cross-cultural communication 1. Warm-up Part I English-Chinese Interpretation Good morning. This past week I traveled to Austria and Hungary, where I had productive meetings with our European allies. //We discussed the challenges and opportunities we share, including the importance of spreading prosperity at home and around the world. //Its good to be back to America, and Im pleased to report that our economy is strong, growing, and delivering prosperity to more of our people. Reference 上午好。上周我访问了奥地利和匈牙利,与我们的欧洲盟友进行了卓有成效的会谈。我们讨论了共同面对的挑战和机遇,其中包括实现国家和世界繁荣的重要性。很高兴能回到美国,而且我也高兴地告诉大家,美国经济依然繁荣,不断增长,并让更多的人民过上富裕的生活。 1. Warm-up Part II Chinese-English Interpretation 在过去的两届年会上,我们分别以“中国因素”和“中国因素:机遇与挑战”为主题,//探讨了中国经济贸易的发展为全球海运市场和海运业界所带来的重要影响。//特别是在去年的年会上,我们对“中国因素”将在未来一段时期继续推动国际航运业的发展形成了普遍的共识。// Reference In the past two annual conferences, on the themes of “China Factor” and “China Factor: Opportunities and Challenges”, we discussed the major impacts brought by Chinese economic and trade development on global shipping market and industry. In particular, during last year’s conference, we reached consensus on the facilitating role played by the China factor on international shipping industry in the near future. 口译中的跨文化因素 Language is the principle means whereby we conduct our social live. When it is used in contexts of communication, it is bound up culture in multiple and complex ways”。 ---- Kramsch 什么是跨文化交际?我国学者胡文仲指出,跨文化交际时人们在不自觉中经常进行的一种活动,它大到政治人物与外国领导人的谈判,小到观看和欣赏外国电影、小说等。简言之,跨文化交际就是具有 不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程。 在口译工作中,影响译员工作质量的文化因素,主要有以下几个方面: 在口译工作中,影响译员工作质量的文化因素,主要有以下几个方面: 一、语用原则 二、思维模式 三、社会习俗 四、跨文化交际中的非语言交际 一、语用原则 口译不同于笔译,它是一种口头交际活动。在交际过程中,除了遵循由语音、语法词汇等因素构成的语言规则外,还需要遵循一套严格的语用规则。 语用就是语言的实际应用。 语言的实际应用主要是进行交际对话,就是用语言进行信息交流和交换。 语用失误(pragmatic failure)是由英国著名语用学家JennyThomas 于20 世纪80 年代初提出的。 语用失误是指“不能理解话语的含义” (The inability to understand what is meant by what is said.)(Thoma


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