The Scarlet Letter Mrs那鲜红的信夫人. Nickells English III Weebly.pptVIP

The Scarlet Letter Mrs那鲜红的信夫人. Nickells English III Weebly.ppt

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The Scarlet Letter Mrs那鲜红的信夫人. Nickells English III Weebly

The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne About the Author Nathaniel Hawthorne Born in Salem, Massachusetts and is the descendent of a prominent Puritan family Hawthorne’s Father, Judge Hawthorne, played a key role in the Salem witch trials. Hawthorne did not agree with the intolerant Puritan society, so he wrote “The Scarlet Letter” to point out the flaws. Puritan Beliefs High education value- necessary to be able to read the Bible Wives and children were expected to obey the fathers Kept things simple so that they could concentrate on God Believed that God rewarded the good and punishes the bad. Theocracy Greek Word Theo= God Cratos= Rule A government where laws are based on religious laws Leaders in a theocracy are most likely important religious leaders Modern Example: Afghanistan pre- 2001 The Taliban controlled religious civil laws Culture Notes Puritan Punishments were public! No aspect of life was truly private If you sinned, you were punished publicly. Living a moral life was the way to please God. Scarlet Letter- The Basics First Published: In 1850 Major Thematic Topics: Puritan society Sin Guilt Emotions vs logic Nature of evil Setting of the novel Set in Boston, Massachusetts Puritan Village/ Theocratic society Story Starts in June 1642, in the Puritan town of Boston — story continues over several years. Key Characters Hester Prynne Husband is believed to be dead. Daughter is Pearl. Key Characters Roger Chillingworth Arrives in town at beginning of story Mysterious older doctor Begins treating Rev. Dimmesdale He may have a different motive than to help Dimmesdale! Key Characters Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale Town’s minister. Young and well-liked. Failing health is continuously holding his hands to his chest and is gaunt and tired most days. Has begun acting strangely for unknown reasons . . . Key Characters Pearl Hester’s daughter A wild child Doesn’t act like a normal child Doesn’t go to school or church Dresses in fancy



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