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本科毕业设计 浅析液晶显示技术 汤安琪 201131160419 指导教师 严炳辉 讲师 学院名称 电子工程学院 专业名称 电子信息科学与技术 论文提交日期 2015年4月30日 论文答辩日期 2015年5月10日 摘 要 近年来显示技术发展很快,平板显示以其诸多优点独占显示鳌头,在平板显示中又以等离子和液晶为主流显示方式,而液晶显示技术作为主流的现代显示技术,已经在我们的生活中扮演了重要的角色。生活中到处可以见到和它相关的产品,被广泛运用于计数器、电话机、手机、数码相机、天然气表、笔记本电脑。本文通过对液晶及液晶显示技术多方面的介绍,让人们更了解液晶显示技术。本文介绍了液晶显示技术的原理、分类及其优缺点,还对液晶显示器的优劣进行判别。同时还介绍了液晶显示技术在我国的发展历程以及未来的发展趋势,并对液晶显示技术在我国的发展现状进行分析,分析它现在所面临的问题。而其它的新型显示技术也在不断进步,但依然没有办法替代液晶显示技术的重要地位。在未来的发展过程中,液晶显示技术还将作为主要方式造福我们的生活。 关键词: 液晶显示 原理 发展趋势 现状 Analysis of The Liquid Crystal Display Technology Tang Anqi (College of Electronic Engineering,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China) Abstract:Display technology has developed rapidly in recent years, flat panel display with its many advantages aotou exclusive display, flat panel display again in plasma and LCD display for the mainstream, and LCD display technology as the mainstream of modern technology, has played in our lives an important role. Life can be seen everywhere and its associated products are widely used in counters, telephones, cell phones, digital cameras, gas meter, laptop. Based on the liquid crystal display technology and a wide range of presentation, let people know more about LCD technology. This paper introduces the principle of LCD technology, classification, advantages and disadvantages, but also on the merits of the liquid crystal display to discriminate. It also describes the LCD technology in Chinas development process and future trends, and LCD technology in the current development of the analysis and the problems it now faces and corresponding countermeasures. The other new display technology has been improved, but still no way to replace the important position of LCD technology. In the future course of development, LCD technology will also serve as the main way to benefit our lives. Key Word: Liquid crystal display Development Principle Present situation 目 录 1 引言 1 2 现代显示技术 1 3.液晶及液晶显示技术 1 3.1


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