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产品认证申请书 Application Form for Product Certification 申请人/Applicant: 申请日期/Date: 申请认证产品名称/The Name of Product(s) to Be Certified 中汽认证中心 China Certification Centre for Automotive Products 以下内容由认证机构填写(The following is for CCAP use only): 申请书编号(Application Form No.): 证书编号(Certificate No.): 工厂代码(Factory Code): 证书流水号(Certificate Sequential No.): 填 表 说 明 Instruction for the Application Form 1、申请书应使用电脑输入,内容填写应完整、准确。 This form should be filled in computer completely and correctly. 2、表栏空格不能空白,无此项时应划“/”线 Please do not leave any item blank; fill with “/” when not applicable. 3、“申请方承诺”是认证中心根据国家产品认证有关法律、规范及标准等拟定, 申请方应尽的最基本的义务 “Applicant Promises” is the fundamental duty constituted by CCAP according to national certification laws, criterions and standards, etc. 4、申请人应通过 / 认证申请和注册进行网上申请.或者以电子邮件附件的形式发送到中心相关产品受理人员,国内部邮箱:domestic@;国际部邮箱:intercert@。 The applicant shall register and submit the application on the website , or send the documents to the below email address: Domestic Certification Department domestic@ International Certification Department intercert@ 5、请用中文或英文填写。 Please fill this form in Chinese or English. 6、有关产品认证的公开文件可从CCAP网上下载,网址为: Public documents of product certification can be downloaded from CCAP web site . 1. 申请人(认证委托人Certification Trustor)/Applicant:(请附营业执照。Please affix the business licence) *1.1名称/Name: 请填写中/英文名称,因认证证书包括中、英文两个版本 Please fill with Chinese and English name *1.2所在国家(依GB/T2659-2000填3位代码) : *1.3所在地区 : *1.4 地址/Address:申请企


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