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本科生毕业论文(设计) 题 目 降乳菌群降解黄水乳酸条件的研究 院 别 生命科学与食品工程学院 专 业 生物工程   学生姓名 ***  学 号 ***- 年级 ****** 指导教师 ** 职称 *** 教务处制表 2015年 5 月 15 日     摘 要 ,结关键词 ; Abstract For research from yellow water in the filter to of reduce the lactic acid bacteria group degradation yellow water in the lactic acid of conditions, reduce the lactic acid bacteria group vaccination to yellow water in the fermentation, through single factor experiment respectively research temperature, and oxygen content, and restore sugar and yellow water concentration on reduce the lactic acid bacteria group degradation yellow water in the lactic acid of effects, again through more factors more level orthogonal test found best conditions, last through liquid phase color spectrum instrument gas phase color spectrum instrument on yellow water cruise and fermentation liquid of components for analysis, Results showed that the best breast reduction flora degradation in water temperatures of 32 ℃, yellow water concentration 1/4. Reducing sugar reduces lactic acid in breast reduction degradation of flora of yellow water effects. The research in reducing the content of lactic acid in the production of Luzhou flavor liquor in yellow water and fermented grains, the total acidity of solid fermentation of regulation, effective development of yellow water use has certain application value. Keywords : Luzhou flavor liquor;Reduce the lactic acid bacteria group;Yellow water 目 录 摘 要 II Abstract III 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 选题背景 1 1.1.1控制乳酸含量对提高浓香型白酒质量的意义 1 1.1.2浓香型白酒酿造诸环节降乳菌(群)的研究现状 1 1.2 研究意义 2 第2章 材料与方法 3 2.1 实验材料 3 2.1.1供试菌群 3 2.1.2 黄水 3 2.1.3 药品试剂 3 2.1.4 仪器设备 4 2.2试验方法 4 2.2.1 降乳菌群的活化 4 2.2.2 降乳菌群降解黄水乳酸条件研究实验 5 2.2.3 降乳菌降解黄水乳酸最佳条件实验设计 5 2.2.4 降乳菌降解黄水乳酸稳定性研究 5 2.2.5 黄水生物、理化指标和主要成分测定 6 第3章 实验结果与分析 7 3.1黄水理化、生物指标和主要成分 7 3.2 降乳菌群降解I号黄水乳酸条件研究 8 3.2.1温度 8 3.2.2还原糖(以葡萄糖计) 8 3.2.3不同浓度黄水 9 3.2.4相同培养条件下降乳菌群降解I号窖池黄水乳酸的差异性分析 10 3.



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