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论《三国演义》中的魏延 贺秉祥 (榆林学院 中文系 陕西榆林 719000) 摘要: 《三国演义》是我国古代“四大名著”之一,也是中国文学史上的第一部长篇小说与第一部章回体小说。这部小说塑造了四百多个人物,其中,最值得读者深思的还是魏延。魏延是刘备手下一位有勇有谋、功高位重、能征善战的大将,他投靠刘备以后,毕生为蜀国的建立与巩固立下了汗马功劳—取西川与黄忠 共为先锋,尽败蜀中名将;战东川、助张飞、率破曹兵,箭射曹操门面;退蛮兵、渡泸水、破孟获、苦战数年,成就了诸葛亮七擒七纵之举;出陈仓、震魏将、斩王双、历任前锋,效尽了犬马之劳。但他倔强、争强好胜、爱出风头、做事自作主张等性格铸就了他的悲剧人生,最终被他的上司诸葛亮遗计所杀,究其原因不宜完全归结于诸葛亮,主要从他自身性格和当时的封建思想探究。由此告诫人们欲成大事者切不可自高自大、莽撞行事,应谦虚谨慎稳沉持重,团结上下、尊重上司、审时度势。这种前车之鉴我们现代人应吸取,切不可重蹈覆辙。 关键词: 魏延 性格 因素 Theory 《 Three Kingdoms historical novel 》 medium of the Wei postpone He Bing xiang (Yulin Institute Chinese department Shaanxi Yulin 719000) Abstract: 《The Romance of the Three Kingdoms》 is the Ming Dynasty “four big wonderful books” first, also is in the Chinese history of literature the first novel and the first title and chapter form novel. This novel portrayed more than 400 characters, including heads of independent warlords and so on Liu Bei, Cao Cao, had the Zhu Geliang and so on adviser, had Guan Yu, combat generals and so on Zhang Fei, in which Wei Yan a person who quite has the dispute in the Liu Bei group, has a tragic result heroic combat general, he had the ability very much at the military war, but the result was actually a tragedy. Looks over his/her body, his tragic result besides his own disposition reason, but also concerned with at that time the traditional cultural idea and the political context. This article will extend own disposition from Wei to embark, and will unify the time background which he at that time located to analyze his tragic reason to be at. Thus obtained understanding politics, the thought and the cultural goal then, and through the tragic result which extended to Wei draws the lesson, got along with people for our present generations manner, imbark choosing a person for a job provided the model. The modern society is a peace, the democracy society, that, also has Wei in the contemporary society to extend the same disposition to be frank likely, dares to say dares f


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