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2016届高三英语听力分项突破 3.随听随记,无把握就猜。对于材料中出现的一些数字、地名和人名等关键词,如果觉得没有把握,可以随听随记在草稿纸上,以便回答问题时查用。但是注意不要影响听音。此外,考生还要善于运用自己所获得的信息,根据读音或者上下文进行快速的判断和猜测,进行优化处理。  抓住要点,细辨信息。不管是对话还是独白,注意力一定要集中在整体内容的理解上,切不可只停留在个别单词或单句上,听不清马上放弃,不能强迫自己听清每一个单词,要把重点放在听关键词以及与问题有关的内容上。 二、听中活动(while-listening) 时间日期题 必备词汇:hour, minute, year, century, am, pm, after, before, early, late, delay, month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, eleven forty-five, a quarter to twelve, a quarter to twelve, a quarter to ten, half past six, nine twenty 常见提问方式:What’s the time now? What’s the time by your watch? When did the woman get home? When was the man born? When will the flight leave? When can you come? What day is today? 1.What’s the time now? A. 10:20 B. 10:05 C. 10:35 答案:B W:Excuse me, when is the next bus arriving to the Wildlife Zoo, please? M: It’s arriving in about fifteen minutes’ time. That is to say, it’s coming at twenty past ten. 2.When will the light be turned off? A. At 10:15 B. At 10:30 C. At 9:45 答案:B W: The light will be turned off in a quarter. M: What time is it now? W: It’s ten fifteen. M: That’s OK. It’s enough to get everything ready. 3.When did the woman get home? A. At 8:35 B. At 9:05 C. At 9:15 答案:B M: Did you get home when your daughter did at 8:50 last night? W: No, I was 15 minutes late because of the heavy traffic. 二、数字与数字计算题 数字与数字计算题是听力考试考查的重要内容。和时间日期题一样,它也是考查学生对于细节信息的理解。此类题目涉及的数字主要有年龄、价格、距离、房号、电话号码、数量、门牌号、航班号、车牌号等。数字计算题则通常涉及数学四则运算。 例如:How much did the man pay for the bag? A. 45 yuan B.40 yuan C. 50 yuan 听力原文:W:How much did you pay for that bag, Mike? M: He wanted to charge me forty-five yuan, but Peter helped me cut five yuan off the price.



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