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Introduction Introduction SCSJ013-Spring 本阶段项目 房屋出租管理系统 (/) Road Map Overview Usage scenarios Inversion of Control / Dependency Injection Overview The Future of J2EE A Typical Web Application A ResumeService Sample public class ResumeService { private Connection conn; public int addResume(ResumeDTO resume){ ResumeDAO resumeDAO = DAOFactory.getResumeDAO(conn); ResumePOJO resumePOJO = resumeDAO.getByName(resume.getName()); if(resumePOJO != null) return Constants.INSERT_ALREADY_EXISTED; else resumePOJO = new ResumePOJO() ; BeanUtil.copyProperties(resumePOJO, resume ) ; if(resumeDAO.insert(resume) ) return Constants.INSERT_SUCCESS; else return Constants.INSERT_FAILURE; } } A ResumeService Sample public class ResumeAddAction extends BaseAction{ public ActionForward doExecute(……….){ ResumeService service = new ResumeService(conn); ResumeDTO resumeDTO = new ResumeDTO() ; BeanUtil.copyProperties(resumeDTO , form) ; int retCode = service.addResume(resumeDTO); …… } } Getting started with spring Spring contains a lot of functionality and features, which are well-organized in seven modules shown in the diagram below. The Core package The Core package is the most fundamental part of the framework and provides the Dependency Injection features allowing you to manage bean container functionality. The basic concept here is the BeanFactory, which provides a factory pattern removing the need for programmatic singletons and allowing you to decouple the configuration and specification of dependencies from your actual program logic. The Core package On top of the Core package sits the context package, providing a way to access beans in a framework-style manner, somewhat resembling a JNDI-registry. The context package inherits its features from the beans package and adds support for text messaging using e.g. resource bundles, event-propagation, resource-loading and tra


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