Satire Creation Assignment.pptx

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Satire Creation Assignment

Satire Creation Assignment Final Due Date: June 12 13, 2014 1 Learning Goal – to demonstrate your understanding of satire and key techniques in creating satire 2 Think about aspects of society you consider a major problem. What about society makes you angry? What is an aspect of society you would like to see change? Research Questions 3 General Information Project has 3 parts You will work independently All writing must be typed and double-spaced with one-inch margins 4 Choose a Problem - Keep content appropriate. Remember your audience and your purpose War Education Social Class Divisions Taxes/Money/Economy Global Warming 5 Gas Prices Healthcare Internet Popular Culture Celebrities Please see me if you are interested in a topic not on this list. 6 Part I: Investigation of the Problem Explain the nature of the problem in a 2-3 page paper Double-spaced with one-inch margins Explore the history of the problem Explore the current opinions of the problem. 7 NO WIKIPEDIA!! Your paper must include a bibliography and an explanation of why each website you used is reliable Reference 3 different sources (3 different websites, books, magazine articles, etc.) 8 Possible Formats Part II Original cartoon - computer generated graphics are acceptable, but not downloading or cutting and pasting from online sources. The cartoon must include a caption An essay - similar to Hugh Gallagher’s “College Admission Essay.” This must be 2-3 pages in length 9 Formats continued… A script for a sketch (performance and approval of script required) Videos (script must be approved) A children’s book (think about Dr. Suess) A newspaper article – similar to the “Selfitis” article we read in class (The Onion is an example of a newspaper) Another original idea of your own, with my approval 10 Part III: Reflection on Student Work All projects will conclude a ? -1 page written reflection 11 Reflection continued… Who, or what, is the target of your satire and why? What are the main


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