人教版新目标九年级上册Unit 10You are supposed to shake hands SectionA第 三课时 课件(36张)精要.ppt

人教版新目标九年级上册Unit 10You are supposed to shake hands SectionA第 三课时 课件(36张)精要.ppt

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人教版新目标九年级上册Unit 10You are supposed to shake hands SectionA第 三课时 课件(36张)精要

We value the time we spend with our family and friends in our everyday lives. value 珍视;珍重;重视 I’ve always valued my teacher’s advice. 我一直很重视老师们所给的建议。 我们特别珍惜平日生活中和家人、朋友在一起的时光。 life 生活;用作可数名词 Many people make different kinds of friends in their social lives. everyday adj. 每天的;日常的;平常的 Cooking breakfast is her?everyday?job. ?? 做早饭是她的日常工作。 链接: everyday, every day的区别:前者是形容词,而后者是副词性短语。 He comes here every day. 他每天来这儿。 We often just drop by our friends’ homes. drop by “顺便(或偶然)拜访”,后面常接表示地点的名词。drop in也可表示“顺便拜访”,如果后接人时,用介词 on,接地点时,用介词 at。 I drop by my best friend’s home during my stay in Qingdao last month. 我在青岛的时候顺便去拜访了下最好的朋友。 我们经常只是顺便去拜访朋友。 Also, we never visit a friend’s house without calling first. never和without双重否定表示肯定,表达肯定意义。 Some girls would never go out without taking time to dress themselves up. 有些女孩不花些时间穿着打扮一番是不会出门的。 而且,我们也从不事先未通电话便登门拜访朋友。 4. get mad 大动肝火;气愤 They are sure to?get mad?to hear it.?? 他们听了一定会气坏了。 5. heavy traffic 交通繁忙, 交通拥堵, 车水马龙 What?heavy traffic! 多拥挤的交通! light traffic?行人车辆稀少 little traffic?交通不拥挤 long-distance traffic?长途交通车辆 one-way traffic?单向交通 two-way traffic?双向来往的交通(车辆) slow-moving traffic?缓慢移动的车流 air traffic?空中交通 rush-hour traffic?交通高峰 Unit 10 Section A (3a—3c) What are you supposed to do, when you ▼ greet teachers ▼ do homework ▼ phone someone ▼ visit someone’s place ▼ make plans with friends ▼ have a date ▼ receive gifts When you are… You’re supposed to… greeting teachers doing homework phoning someone visiting some friends home having a date say “Good morning.” do it carefully and patiently be polite make plan with friends be on time Switzerland It’s in Europe. What do you know about Switzerland? Bern It’s the capital of clocks and watches. n. 首都 What do you know about Colombia? Colombia It’s in South America. Bogota It is famous for its coffee. Marc LeBlanc Lausanne, Switzerland Teresa Lopez Cali, Colombia p


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