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Unit 4 Business Dinner 【Learning Objectives】 After finishing this unit, students should know some useful expressions about ordering food, and proposing a toast. know how to behave appropriately over a business dinner. know how to write an invitation. Warm-up Work in pairs. Do you know the names of the following food and fruits? Write each of them on the line given. Reading 2. Purses, bags, hats and any other personal items should be either checked in (if the option is available) or placed on the back of your own chair. 钱包、手提包、帽子和其他私人物品应该暂存起来 (如果有这项服务的话),或者放在自己座位的后 面。 check sth in在这里的意思是“(在衣帽间或行李寄 存处)存取某物”。 Example: Is there a place we can check in our coats? 有暂存大衣的地方吗? 3. Start from the outside and work your way towards the plate with each new dish. If a spoon and fork are placed directly above the plate, these are usually for coffee and dessert. 从最外侧依次向内取用刀叉,如果勺和叉直 接摆放在餐盘的上方,通常这些是为咖啡和 甜点而备的。 4. When the meal is done, utensils should be placed on the plate, with the knife and fork together. While you’re still eating, they should also be placed on the plate (rather than touching the table) but each on its corresponding side. 用完餐后,餐具应放在餐盘上,刀和叉要放在一起。 如果你还要继续用餐,餐具也要放在餐盘上(不要碰 到餐桌),且每个餐具都要在其相应的位置上。 5. Drink slowly and allow the alcohol to settle in your stomach before filling the glass again. 喝酒时要慢饮,等到胃感到舒服些再斟下一 杯酒。 6. As you’re eating, it’s important to pay attention to your surroundings and use them as a guideline on how to behave. 在用餐时,要注意观察周围的人,将他人的 行为作为自己行为的指南。 Exercises I. Read the text and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). ( ) 1. When invited to dinner, you’d better not arrive too early. ( ) 2. Before dinner you should tuck your napkin in your shirt. ( ) 3. When the dinner begins, you should not take your bites until th


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