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《家有喜旺》第一季 第二集 早上好 Good morning. 我只是来确认下你还活着 I was just making sure you were still breathing. 看来你还活着 别纳闷 You are... in case you were wondering. 我很抱歉前几天 Im sorry your first couple days 让你过的不太顺 here have been a little rough. 一是我实在有点不知所措 Not only do I have no idea what Im doing, 二是我爸妈有我的时候才15岁 but my parents had me when they were 15, 所以他们也好不到哪去 so theyre pretty much clueless as well. 还有昨天 And that thing that happened yesterday 你曾曾奶奶做的事 with your Great-Great Maw Maw... 老娘 Mom! 别咬 Ow! No biting! 我保证下不为例 Lets just say, I promise it will never happen again. 吉米 Jimmy! 去桥上玩不 You want to go fake fight on the bridge? 我们打算相互把对方扔下水 Were going to throw each other into the river 然后看路人经过时的惊恐样 and watch people freak out as they drive by. 哥们儿 这想法太赞了 Oh, man, that sounds awesome. 可我去不了 Oh, I cant. 还记得被我搞大肚子的那女孩吗 You remember that girl I got pregnant 就是杀了很多人的那个 that murdered those people? 记得啊 Yeah. Yeah. 她被处死了 They executed her. 所以我被这孩子缠住了 I got stuck with the baby. 没缠住 不是缠住 Not stuck-- didnt mean stuck. 我乐在其中呢 Im cool with it. 我得看孩子 I got to watch what I say. 不知道她现在能不能听懂人说话 I dont know if she understands words yet. 反正我不能和你们一起去跳桥了 Anyway, I cant go jump off a bridge. 我是有孩子的人了 I got a baby now. 《家有喜旺》 第一季 第二集 真好 你居然做了早餐乌龟 Oh, sweet, you made breakfast turtles. 这一炉烤得都很赞 Thats a good batch, too. 她都可以开个小店 Its going to give her ham-and-egg tapases 专卖火腿加蛋之类的餐前小吃了 a run for their money. 昨晚睡得怎么样 Howd the second night of sleeping go? 她哭了几次 但只要我去摇篮床陪她 She cried a few times, but she settled down 她就安静下来了 once I got in the crib with her. 你和她一起睡摇篮床 You got in the crib with her? 就一小会儿 For a little bit, yeah. 咋了 很怪吗 Why, is that weird? -有点 -非常 - Its a little weird. - Its a lot weird. 我总不能就让她一直哭吧 Well, I cant just let her cry. 我很确定她已经讨厌我了 Im pretty sure she already hates me. 她从来不笑 She never smiles. 是啊 我也发现了 Yeah, I notice that. 我昨晚对她做了大概一小时的鬼脸 I was making funny faces at her last night for, like, an h


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