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Lam Pun Lee, Advanced Level Microeconomics Third Edition, Macmillan Lam Pun Lee, Advanced Level Macroeconomics Third Edition, Macmillan Perfectly inelastic demand 完全無彈性需求曲線 P Q 0 D Unitary elastic demand curve 單一彈性需求曲線 P Q 0 D Loss in revenue Gain in revenue Gain in revenue Gain=Loss Budget constraint 預算限制 0 1 3 2 5 4 1 3 2 Good X Q R S P Good Y Indifference curve 無異曲線 1 3 2 4 5 1 3 2 0 4 5 Good X B A D C IC (utility=10) Good Y Utility maximization 效用最大化 0 Good X B E C D L IC1 IC2 IC3 Good Y Sales tax 銷售稅 0 Q S2 S1 Tax D P Seller’s burden Consumer’s burden Subsidy 補貼 0 Q S2 S1 Subsidy D P Seller’s benefit Consumer’s benefit Consumer surplus 消費者盈餘 0 Q Total exchange value Price D = MUV P Consumer’s surplus Economies of scale 規模經濟 0 Output LRAC economies of scale Qm $ Diseconomies of scale 規模不經濟 0 Output LRAC diseconomies of scale Qm $ Producer surplus 生產者的盈餘 Q S P 0 Economic rent 經濟租 Price S D Q1 P1 Units of a factor 0 Economic rent Transfer earning 轉移收入 Price S D Q1 P1 Units of a factor 0 Transfer earning All-or-nothing Pricing 全量或零售定價 Q 0 MUV All-or-nothing demand AUV1=P1 P2 P Q1 Q2 Contractionary monetary policy 收縮性貨幣政策 r M 0 Ms’ Ms Md Expansionary monetary policy 擴張性貨幣政策 r M 0 Ms’ Ms Md Equilibrium in money market 貨幣市場的均衡 r M 0 Ms Md Paradox of thrift 節儉之迷 E E 0 0 Y Y S’ S S’ S I I Yf Yf Ye Ye’ Ye Ye’ Expansionary fiscal policy 擴張性財政政策 E 0 Y Yf Ye Y-line 45° E’ E Contractionary fiscal policy 收縮性財政政策 E 0 Y Yf Ye Y-line 45° E’ E Deflationary gap 緊縮缺口 E 0 Y Yf Ye Y-line 45° E G R DG Inflationary Gap 膨脹缺口 E 0 Y Yf Ye Y-line 45° E G F IG Liquidity trap 流動之迷 E 0 Y Yf LM1 IS LM2 Crowding-out effect 排擠效果 r 0 Y Yf LM IS2 IS1 Y2 Y1 crowding-out effect r2 r1 * Total revenue 總收入 TR TR Q 0 Q MR AR AR,MR 0 Average revenue 平均收入 TR TR Q 0 Q MR AR AR,MR 0 Marginal revenue 邊際收入 TR TR Q 0 Q MR AR AR,MR 0 Perfect competition 完全競爭 P Q d=MR=AR=P MC AC AVC Q* 0 Profit maximization 利潤最大化 P P Q MC D=AR MR 0 MR=MC (profit maximization) De


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