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* * * * * * 刘红梅 Lesson 1 I like being outdoors! Learning aims: 1. pronounce and spell the new words correctly. 正确读出并拼写生词。 2. talk about your favorite outdoor activities with others. 与他人谈论你所喜爱的户外运动。 success 成功 1. The road to success is a long one. 通往成功的路很长。 2. It is not easy to get success. 成功并不是那么容易获得的。 Task1 Words to learn activity 活动 1. I love outdoor activities. 我热爱户外运动。 2. I usually play table tennis at my activity time. 在活动时间我通常打乒乓球。 hike 远足 Do you often go hiking? 你经常远足吗? 2. We went to hike in the countryside. 我们去乡下作了次徒步旅行。 cycle 骑自行车 Do you often cycle to school ? 2. I am interested in cycling. 你经常骑自行车上学吗? 我对自行车运动感兴趣。 jog 慢跑 I heard you loved to jog so much that you joined a jogging club. 我听说你酷爱慢跑而且参加了一个慢跑俱乐部。 2. Jogging with my dog is my favorite thing to do. 和我的小狗一起慢跑是我最喜欢的事情。 sail 帆船运动 To sail in the sea is my favorite sport. 我喜欢帆船运动。 After Qingdao held the World Sailing Championships successfully, many young people began to sail. 青岛成功地举办了世界帆船锦标赛之后,许多年轻人开始进行帆船运动。 challenge 挑战 I like to challenge new things. 我喜欢挑战新事物。 2. We challenge Class2 to have a basketball match. 我们向2班挑战进行一场篮球比赛。 relax 放松 Jogging is a relaxing sport. 慢跑是一项放松的运动。 He relaxes himself by fishing. 他通过钓鱼来放松自己。 perfect 极好的,完全的 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 Yu Fei studies in the USA and he speaks perfect English. 于飞在美国读书,他的英语说得非常好。 fond 喜爱(只作表语) I am fond of sailing in the sea. 我喜欢帆船运动。 She is fond of music,sports and going to parties. 她喜欢音乐、体育和参加聚会。 success activity hike cycle jog sail challenge relax perfect fond success activity hike


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