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包钢烧结φ250卸灰阀设计 摘 要 电动蘑菇头式双层卸灰阀是烧结厂专用的一种卸灰装置,烧结机双层卸灰阀的作用是在保证不漏料的情况下,把台车底部从风箱漏下的烧结矿料粒,定时排到除尘皮带运输机上。它的使用性能直接影响到烧结机产量、作业率能否进一步提高。而φ250电动蘑菇头式双层卸灰阀结构简单、工作效率高、除尘量较大(3t/h)、具有双层结构密封性能好、占地面积小、适合在恶劣的环境中工作。因此,电动蘑菇头式双层卸灰阀在各钢铁厂得到广泛的应用。 在这次毕业设计中,主要是对电动蘑菇头式双层卸灰阀的传动部分进行设计,具体设计步骤分成一下几部分:进行传动方案的总体设计、传动零件的设计、轴系部件的设计以及金属的热处理和零件的磨损、密封与润滑。 关键词:卸灰阀;蘑菇头式;除尘;主传动 Design of sintering Φ250 dust valve in Baotou Steel Factory Abstract Electric cone type double dust valve is a special type of dust device in sintering plant. The double dust valve of the sintering machine is used to pledge not to leak materials,the sintering meterial from the Bellows which is at the bottom of the machine ,should be transport to the Belt Conveyor on time. Its direct influence of performance characteristics goes to sintering machine production and that whether work rates have a further raising. Φ250 electric cone type double dust valve have simple structure,high working efficiency, comparatively large dust-clearing quantity ( 3t/h) , it have double structural sealing that can be good , little area of occupancy , and it suits to work in bad environment. Therefore, electric cone type double dust valve gets extensive application in each steel factory. In this graduated design , it’s major is the design of the part of the transmission to Electric cone type double dust valve, specific design step is divided into some parts of: the general design of transmission scheme, the design of transmission parts, the design of shaft parts as well as the heat treatment ,and of the wear of metal, the part of the seal and lubrication. Keyword: Dust valve; Cone type; dust-clearing; Main transmission device 设计卸灰阀的有关参数 项目 序号 设备性能参数 数值 单位 备注 1 烧结散料 粒 度 0~10 mm 温 度 150 ℃ 密 度 1.7 t/ 2 处理量 3 t/h 3 阀工作周期 28.6 s 4 重锤量 46 Kg 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第一章 绪 论 1 1.1 课题来源及课题设计的意义 1 1.1.1 烧结厂粉尘来源 1 1.1.2 烧结厂生产工艺中废气的产生 2 1.1.3 污染物特点及其技术参数 2 1.2 烧结厂废气治理所采取的措施 3 1.2.1 烧结机废气除尘 3 1.2.2 烧结机烟气中二氧化硫的治理 3 1.2.3 烧结机尾除尘 4


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