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Retell the article in the perspective of a crane. 以第一人称,站在鹤的角度复述课文。 Unit 6 Birdwatching Reading (1) Zhalong---a special place Learning aims 1.To understand the passage about Zhalong Nature Reserve. 读懂文章,了解扎龙自然保护区的基本情况。 2.To develop the ability of reading through fulfilling some tasks. 通过完成一些任务培养阅读技能。 3.To learn to love and protect birds and nature. 学习热爱鸟类、保护自然。 New phrases 1.在中国东北 2.世界上最重要的湿地之一 3.为野生动物提供食物和庇护所 4.去那儿作短暂停留 5.以便,为的是 6. 有更多的空间给 7. 导致 8.更少的供野生动物的空间 9.制定法律去阻止 10.理解湿地的重要性 in North-east China one of the world’s most important wetlands provide food and cover for wildlife understand the importance of the wetlands go there for a short stay in order to have more space for lead to less and less space for wildlife make laws to prevent Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. (P71 B1) 1.provide 2.perfect 3.lead to 4.prevent 5.tourist 6.understand a stop sth. from happening b know c a person who is travelling or visiting a place d give sth. to someone or sth. else e the best f have sth. as a result 1.What does the article mainly talk about? Zhalong Nature Reserve. It is famous for many kinds of birds. Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch the birds. 2.What is Zhalong famous for? Fasting-reading(速读) Match (P71 B2) Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5 a. About birds in Zhalong b. What the Birdwatching Society members do c. More people can help count and describe the birds d. Birds in Zhalong are in danger e. About Zhalong Nature Reserve Fasting-reading(速读) e a d b c Why is Zhalong a special place? provide food and cover for a lot of wildlife a perfect place for rare birds Para 1 Detailed reading(精读) one of the world’s most important wetlands 1.What information can we get from the sentence “There are not many cranes left in the world.” Para 2 Cranes are ________ birds. 2.What information can we get from the sentence “40 per cent of them live in Zhalong.” Zhalong is a __________ place for cranes to



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